Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A good servant

A Good Servant 
By Jeremie Manirakiza

I understood that God did not put me on this earth only to consume resources (to eat, drink, breathe…) and just enjoying the creation. But He created me to bring a contribution in this fallen and corrupted World. 

Indeed He created me in Jesus Christ to do a good work and to serve him. I was not saved by service but I was saved to serve. Serving God is serving the people that He created; it is being a solution to their needs (spiritual or physical needs).  

In fact, many people desire to lead and be given titles, respect and honor but few of them desire to serve. Jesus is the greatest leader with a highest position but He called himself a servant. “I came to serve not to be served.”

The Disciples of Christ once discussed who is great among us? Who will lead us? But Jesus responded them by telling them that the greatest among them is the one who will serve others. According to Jesus the greatest person is the one who serve many not the one who is served by many. 

Other people want to be served, to be blessed and to get someone or a place where their needs will be met but few want to serve and meet other’s needs. We are so comfortable when we are living a self-centered life.

A good servant is the one who is serving without expecting a payment or a reward from the people his serving. 

However, if you want to be like Jesus Christ, you need to serve others. I understand that I should not be just a spectator in the Kingdom of God I have a role to play and a mission to fulfill.

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