Monday, August 28, 2017


Enoch Pereira
Translated by Filipe S.S. Gouvea 

The following, wonderful prophecy made by Ezekiel was fulfilled in Jesus.
"I myself will feed my flock and make them lie down, saith the Lord God."
"I will raise up for them one shepherd, and he shall feed them;"
"Ye therefore my sheep, the sheep of my pasture: ye are men: but I am your God, saith the Lord God." Ezekiel 34: 15,23,31.

Jesus fulfilled the content of his words when he said, "I am the good shepherd: I know my sheep, and they know me." "They shall hear my voice, and there shall be a flock and a shepherd." John 10: 14,16.
That is why Jesus also warned us: "But you will not be called masters, for one is your Master, and you are all brothers. No one on earth should call your father, for only one is your Father, he who is in heaven. You are not to be called guides, for one is your guide, the Christ." Mathew 23:10

In the kingdom of God it is a crucial question for Jesus to be recognized as the only guide, the only chief, the only teacher, the only shepherd. Everyone else is nothing more than a brother to one another.

What Jesus said is that only he is in charge of his own body: the Church. He is the head of his body.

The Kingdom of God does not function like the organizational systems of this world. Jesus is the sole person to occupy a position of authority.

He, through his Spirit, makes his life flow, including his authority, power, and gifts unto those that are part of his body.
Ministries are not positions of power. They are manifestations of the Lord himself that flow through our brothers. When something spiritual flows in someone, it is because God finds in such person a surrendered heart and therefore finds freedom to use it as he pleases. It does not signify that we are anything; it simply means He is in us.

Paul knew of the condition under which he was called. And it was not to stand over the brethren, ruling over them; rather he was called to serve beneath them, as a slave to all. The condition of the calling had already been set by Jesus, by containing the impetus of the disciples to assume positions of government over others.

"Ye know that the rulers of the peoples rule over them, and that the rulers exercise authority over them: it is not so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your servant. You shall be your servant, even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." Mathew 20:25.

That is why Paul, aware of this condition, said: "Because I was free from all, I became a slave to all, that I might gain as many as I could."
"So far, we have come to be considered the world's rubbish, the scum of all."
"Neither that which planteth is anything, neither he that watereth, but God that giveth growth."
 "For to me it seems to me that God has put us, the apostles (the envoys), lastly, as though we were condemned to death."
1 Co 9:19, 1Co4: 13, 1 Co 3: 7, 1Co 4: 9

"God hath chosen the humble things of the world, and the despised, and the things that are not, to bring to naught those that are, lest any man should boast in the presence of God." 1Co 1:27.

Thus, we can at most be instruments of God; not that we are capable of anything by ourselves.

He can use some as apostles, some as prophets, some as pastors and teachers. It is He who operates these functions.

"But one and the same Spirit accomplishes all these things, distributing them, as he pleases, to each, individually." 1Co12: 11. 

"There is one Lord ... who is above all, acts through all, and is in all." Ephesians 4: 5-6

God did not call anyone to assume leadership posts with titles and recognition. He is able to use each and every individual, all the while distributing his gifts to fulfill the purpose of building his own body.

It is not a question of instituting men for a certain position. He calls us to note, to notice, to recognize, to identify the flow of His Life and gifts in the life of our brothers. It is a privilege that we must have access to the wealth that comes from God through men who, by submitting themselves to Him, manifest spiritual maturity.

God gave Paul, Timothy, and Titus guidance to identify the mature in each city. (The Vine's Expository Dictionary translates καθίστημι - kathistēmi - as noticing, identifying the most mature). It was not to entitle these men, but so that upon being identified, they would be strengthened in their condition of lesser slaves. And on the other hand, this identification was also important for the younger ones to be more certain that the services that came from that brother were really manifestations of the Lord.

Understanding the way Jesus governs his Body promotes deliverance both to receive the edifice that comes from everywhere, and to be an instrument of God for the service of the saints.

In his Kingdom, God gives no room for pride among the brethren. He knew titles would swell the hearts of men.
Therefore, call no man master, guide, or shepherd. "You shall not be called ..." so. There is only one teacher, there is one guide, there is one shepherd "Mathew 23:10, Ezekiel 34:23, John 10: 14,16.

Jesus is the only one worthy of receiving honor and glory, strength and power and every good thing under the sun and above.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

I had a dream last night Dr Paul Taylor

I had a dream last night!  In my dream I was explaining what it meant to walk with God.  I hope I can explain it now as well as I did in my dream.  Ha!

Let me begin with the scripture that I left you with last newsletter.  This is Romans 12:1,2 The Message Translation

"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you. Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering.  Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.  Instead, fix your attention on God.  You'll be changed from the inside out.  Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it.  Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."

When we think of giving our lives to Christ, we often think of how can I serve Him through the church.  We are missing the message!  Walking with God is about LIFE!  Your ordinary sleeping, eating, going-to-work and walking around life!  That is the offering God wants from each of us.  Not a Sunday morning sacrifice!  He wants your life because He created you for a purpose! He died on the cross to redeem that purpose for His Kingdom and for your enjoyment.  That is right, your enjoyment.  Walking with God is the greatest adventure and joy in the world!

Here is the difference - you think completely different than your culture has programmed the majority of people.  You begin to see with the eyes and heart of your Father!  You begin to see possibilities!  You see what others can't see because you see from a totally different perspective!  Your attitude is different.  You don't have to stress, all you have to do is keep walking with God!  That is it!

This is the important misunderstanding with most Christians.  Most Christians think God is going to do, whatever they are praying and hoping for Him to do! Guess what?  He has already done it!!!  He is waiting for you to step out in faith and believe that together you and HIM can do anything.  Stop waiting for God to do something and you do what you can do!

Some of you may remember a message that I have shared previously.  God spoke to me a few years back and told me that I did not have to do what I could not do.  All I had to do was what I could do!  When I do what I can do, then I enable other people and God to do what He and they can do!  You don't have to do it all!  Just what you can do!  God has other people waiting to do what they can do, BUT they need you to do what you can do!

This is so true when it comes to OUFA!  To a nursing school!  To Solution Centers and a host of other things that God has placed in my heart, as well as others. I don't have to do it all!  All I have to do is walk with God and do what I can do!  That is it!  So that is what I am trying to do.  I don't know how, when, where, or why! All I am doing is walking with God and doing what I am able to do!  

Maybe you have been waiting to do something? Maybe it is time for you to step up and do something?  I don't know, but what I do know is that walking with God is no longer a stressful walk!  It is no longer an obligation or duty.  It is LIFE!  My ordinary life, but with God - wow!!! He is the master at taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary!!!!

It is quite simple.  Keep walking.  Do what you can do! Believe for the rest!  That is what I am doing!

Believing for the impossible,

Dr. Taylor

Palm date

There is a Arabic saying: "Those who plant dates do not harvest dates" because the date palm trees used to take from 80 to 90 years to bear the first fruits. 

Once a young man encountered an old man planting dates and then asked: why do you plant dates if you will not reap? 

He responded, if everyone thought like you, no one would eat dates. 

Cultivate, build, and plant actions that are not just for you but that serve all. 

Our actions today reflect the future ... if it is not time to harvest, it is time to sow. 

We were born without anything, we died without taking anything ...

And in the middle of the interval between life and death, we fight for what we did not bring and we will not take ... 

Think about it: Live longer, love more, always forgive and be happier.

May the peace of the Lord be with us, a hug to all

Transcript #jsalum

Monday, August 21, 2017

Explaining what it meant to walk with God by Dr Paul Taylor

I had a dream last night!  In my dream I was explaining what it meant to walk with God.  I hope I can explain it now as well as I did in my dream.  Ha!

Let me begin with the scripture that I left you with last newsletter.  This is Romans 12:1,2 The Message Translation

"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you. Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering.  Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.  Instead, fix your attention on God.  You'll be changed from the inside out.  Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it.  Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."

When we think of giving our lives to Christ, we often think of how can I serve Him through the church.  We are missing the message!  Walking with God is about LIFE!  Your ordinary sleeping, eating, going-to-work and walking around life!  That is the offering God wants from each of us.  Not a Sunday morning sacrifice!  He wants your life because He created you for a purpose! He died on the cross to redeem that purpose for His Kingdom and for your enjoyment.  That is right, your enjoyment.  Walking with God is the greatest adventure and joy in the world!

Here is the difference - you think completely different than your culture has programmed the majority of people.  You begin to see with the eyes and heart of your Father!  You begin to see possibilities!  You see what others can't see because you see from a totally different perspective!  Your attitude is different.  You don't have to stress, all you have to do is keep walking with God!  That is it!

This is the important misunderstanding with most Christians.  Most Christians think God is going to do, whatever they are praying and hoping for Him to do! Guess what?  He has already done it!!!  He is waiting for you to step out in faith and believe that together you and HIM can do anything.  Stop waiting for God to do something and you do what you can do!

Some of you may remember a message that I have shared previously.  God spoke to me a few years back and told me that I did not have to do what I could not do.  All I had to do was what I could do!  When I do what I can do, then I enable other people and God to do what He and they can do!  You don't have to do it all!  Just what you can do!  God has other people waiting to do what they can do, BUT they need you to do what you can do!

This is so true when it comes to OUFA!  To a nursing school!  To Solution Centers and a host of other things that God has placed in my heart, as well as others. I don't have to do it all!  All I have to do is walk with God and do what I can do!  That is it!  So that is what I am trying to do.  I don't know how, when, where, or why! All I am doing is walking with God and doing what I am able to do!  

Maybe you have been waiting to do something? Maybe it is time for you to step up and do something?  I don't know, but what I do know is that walking with God is no longer a stressful walk!  It is no longer an obligation or duty.  It is LIFE!  My ordinary life, but with God - wow!!! He is the master at taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary!!!!

It is quite simple.  Keep walking.  Do what you can do! Believe for the rest!  That is what I am doing!

Believing for the impossible,

Dr. Taylor

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Saying good bye for July Dr. Paul Taylor

Saying good bye for July
Dr. Paul Taylor

I have seen some posts today about saying goodbye to the month of July. Can I take a moment to ask u to reflect. 

Time is one thing we can never get back. The Bible tells us to "redeem the time."  I want u to reflect on the past month and ask yourself these questions:

1. What did I accomplish in July?

2.  Who did I impact with my life?

3.  Did I make the most out of the time I was given?

4.  What did I learn that can help me be more effective, impactful, and purposeful in the month of August?

We are all given the same amount of time. We will all be held accountable for what we did with the time we have been given. I know that in the USA we are overly conscious of time. To us, time is money. The truth is, time is more than money. Time is opportunity. It is an opportunity to do something for others, to accomplish something that has not been done before, to give what we have received and to be who we were created to be!  

So may we all be more aware of time for the purpose of being more effective at what we have been given in life. As I always say, "Someone is waiting for you!  Don't miss the opportunity to make a difference!"

God bless. Believing for the impossible!

About the Love of God for you. Josimar Salum

About the Love of God for you.
Josimar Salum

"Do you believe that the God of Jesus loves you beyond worthiness and unworthiness, beyond your fidelity and infidelity—that he loves you in the morning sun and in the evening rain—that he loves you when your intellect denies it, your emotions refuse it, your whole being rejects it. Do you believe that God loves without condition or reservation and loves you this very moment as you are and not as you should be." Brennan Manning

Don't ever let anyone to push you down with words that undermine the unchangeable truth that your Heavenly Father loves you very much. 

Don't ever feel less valued than anyone; don't ever cultivate that ugly thought in your mind that you are unworthy of being loved by your Heavenly Father. Yes, we are unworthy. However I say this with that feeling of humility, with my heart melting before God's Love and not feeling guilty, downcast or heavy minded. Jesus is worthy and He has chosen to love me and you with an unchanging love. 

Don't ever think you are incapable of standing before your Heavenly Father as His child. He has loved you with everlasting Love and He has given you His Holy Spirit.  When you repented of your sins, when you were born again you became His child. You became His son like Jesus is. You are not a second category son. You are for Him as Jesus is.

In this world of stinking religion you find many people in the name of Jesus who share messages that make you feel guilty instead of forgiven, that make you feel a sinner than a pure and holy child of God and that demand an ultra behavior from you which is more a performance than the natural life that flows from the relationship you nurture with your Heavenly Father.  Be natural. Be bold. Be free of religiosity. Be who you are: a son of God. You are not orphan. Your Heavenly Father is with you, He has been always with you and He will never leave you or forsake you.

Praise Him and glorify Him. Think about His Love for you. Think about His extravagant Grace that He had decided to place upon you before the foundation of this world, right now and forevermore.