Sunday, April 25, 2021

WE DARE TO CHANGE! By Dr. Josimar Salum

WE DARE TO CHANGE! By Dr. Josimar Salum

We were programmed to think like a sermon, with introduction, three parts and a conclusion.

Our mindsets were set by a boxed educational system. The theology that arrived in Burundi comes from white people with blue eyes. That is not bad! What is bad is that instead of receiving directly from Jesus, Burundians have now a second hand “revelation”.

Ask of Jesus Himself the right questions. But especially questions whose answers that can be measured by things you see. You don’t need to use a chariot forever, you may ride a car. The only thing that cannot be changed is your integrity, truth, character, honesty and love.

Burundians, especially, do everything inside a box. They follow rules that can’t be broken even if they are not working. It is not bad to break rules and traditions that get you stuck avoiding you to progress and prosper.

We are people who respect the laws, respect authorities and live for peace. I hear this a lot in Brazil: “Oh! This is the way we do things here! It can’t be changed.” So, they get stuck in things that never work out.

Jesus broke rules all the time! He was not conventional! He was creative and innovative! 98% of what we call His ministry was performed outside the temple. 98% of His miracles He performed on the streets, in houses and in the market place. He wouldn’t see things spiritual different from natural. Actually He use only natural things to teach about the spiritual. And everything He said could be proved tangible, reachable and transformational.

We need to bring Jesus out of churches to the streets. We need to free His message from the temples. To change people outside. To solve problems that the government can’t solve. We need to take hold of our lives and stop depending on foreigners and others to solve our problems. We need to go from a begging mentality to a giving mentality. You may say “I have nothing to give”, but you do. You have a brilliant mind, two hands and two feet. You can do all things in God who strengthen you.

The President of Burundi Pierre Nkurunziza once said to foreigners: “Don’t bring us more Jesus. Bring solutions do Burundi.” What he meant was, “don’t bring us more religion. Bring us innovative ways that can solve our real problems.”

A message that doesn’t change people is empty religion only.

Jesus set us free not simply to live for the future, Jesus changes us now. If He was not concerned with people with their present needs He would not have multiplied the fish and the bread. He would not have healed people. He would not have ministered to the families.

A people who do not live his present well will never have a future.

You should wake up in the morning and ask yourself: “What problem will I solve today?” Not only your problem, but also problems of people around you. 

The world is full of people who became rich just because they were problem solvers.

The greatest tragedy in life is not being born poor. The greatest tragedy is to think like a poor.

You may not become wealthy one day, but you can dream out of nothing of a better life for you and your family. If you have just a fish and few breads, if you have a seed, you can conquer the world starting with conquering your fears by sharing what you have.

If you have trash in front of your home decide to clean it up everyday. You may not be able to clean the whole country, but you will see one day that the whole country is clean, because others thought to do the same what you did.

Everyday day do constructive things that will change your life. Don’t fear anything. Be courageous.

Look! See the fields producing a hundred fold! See your sisters and daughters well dressed and blessed. See your nation prosperous and enriched by the goodness of God. He has planted the seed of goodness in you. Now is your time to plant those seeds around you.