Saturday, May 28, 2016

REAL (33): How to think instead of just talking!


We believe the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit! Yes, we do!

We also believe that there is ONE TRUE GOD! 

The word we use for unity does not reveal who GOD REALLY IS! The great I AM! 

So we are not going to discuss these theological matters here!

Jeremie Nitirandekura REAL Burundi published a post:

<<<Alright. He´ll give us to sit to His right as He was given to sit to His Father´s right hand.>>>

Then I said:
TO THINK ABOUT: If there is just one Throne mentioned in the book of Revelation (Apocalypses) how can Jesus be seated at the right hand of the Father? 

I did not say to talk about it, to question about it, to respond, anything else! I just asked you TO THINK ABOUT! 

Then Jean Marie REAL Burundi commented: "I took a time to see exactly what the bible says in Reveration22:1b and verse3b talk about the throne of God and of the lamb."

Good! That is OK! That is how we should do! Taking the time TO SEE EXACTLY WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS!

Then Jeremie Nitirandekura published:
"To him who overcomes I will grant him to sit with Me on My throne,as I also overcame and sat down with my My Father on His throne." Revelation 3:21

I then responded: Yes, there is just ONE THRONE!! 

Jeremie continued: 
Of course it shows that there's one throne in heaven. But the kingdom is one. IT doesn't mean that Jesus has his belonging throne apart from the Father's kingdom.

But the Father granted the same kingdom "Then the seventh angel sounded: and there were loud voices in heaven ,saying, "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ,and He shall reign forever and ever" Revelation 11:15.

If the Bible says that Jesus was seated at right hand of the Father it means that the Kingdom is one. 

Therefore if the kingdom is one,the throne must be also one.

In other words if the thrones are two, the kingdom will be two.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€


I got very excited with his words:
YES YES YES ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Father and Son are ONE - not number one! - And Father, Son and US ARE ONE --- BUT ONE in ONENESS

Then here comes Jean Marie comment out of theology, not from Scriptures, but from a "pre-conceived dogma"! I am not saying it is right or wrong, just 

 "As Jeremie says,the throne symbolize a kingdom and the kingdom must have a's then the only one God in the trinity who reigns and sits on the throne"

The throne does not symbolize, Jeremie did not say it was a symbol, etc  Please, I am not making these comments to diminish what Jean Marie wrote! No! We have agreed we can say anything we want here according to the objectives  of the group. What I am doing now is an exercise so we can all learn how to THINK instead of just publishing our opinions and beliefs!

I wrote: 

HOW CAN WE THINK OF OURSELVES always being apart? There are so many churches and Pastors and Tribes and divisions in so many places. We have to change our minds, the way we think! 

“For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:” Ephesians 2:14-16 KJV

The word Trinity does not appear in the holy scriptures! We are not going to discuss theological stuff here, but I must - I MUST - I MUST - tell that all the doctrines you have learned so far must be checked out by your own study of the Scriptures  and through YOUR PERSONAL AND INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD JESUS.

It is possible that more than 80% of what you believe in your Christian life you have never checked it out by YOURSELF according to JESUS, the WORD OF GOD.

We are accustomed to repeat what we have learned from our leaders without investigating by ourselves with the HOLY SPIRIT if they are true or not! 

Please think about it before just repeating or copying with somebody else have said whoever they are! 

I understand that we all like to publish things from somebody else! That is fine! We do that! 

But we want to encourage YOU to think for yourself, to be able to analyze and think through everything even what we - dr Paul Taylor, myself and anybody ELSE publish in REAL!


Friday, May 27, 2016

REAL (32) I AM! By Jean Marie, JSalum & Paul Taylor

If you are among those who say that because naturaly your family is poor you feel that it's a situation that can never be changed, you will remain as you are. But let me remind you this: You didn't choose the family you are from and to be born in a poor family is not your mistake! One mistake will be not to use the talents that God has put in you so as not to die miserable. YOU BECOME WHAT YOU BELIEVE! (Jean Marie)

Let me give you a different perspective over this picture! Can I? JSalum

I did believe in Jesus and He gave me the power to become like Him. I am a child of God. When I look myself into the mirror I see Jesus! Now I know who I am. #jsalum

"He came to His own people but they did not want Him, but whoever did want Him, who believed He was who He claimed, and would do what He said, He made to be their true selves, their child of God selves.

These are the God-begotten, not blood-begotten, not flesh-begotten, not sex-begotten." John 1:12,13 The Message

In Jesus you are your true self!  BE WHO GOD CREATES YOU TO BE!  Not poor or rich, but who He created you to be from the foundation of the world. Do not allow any man define who you are by how much money you have or don't have. By the color of your skin or what nation you were born in. By how educated or uneducated you are. Look in that mirror and see a son of God!  Believe in Jesus who created you to do exploits in His name!  Believe for the impossible! (Paul Taykor)

With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26

When you do what is possible 
it is God doing with you. 
When you do what is impossible 
it is you doing with God! (JSalum)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

REAL (31): Time X Values = Time Management

Time X Values = Time Management 

Jean Marie:

We may learn lots of important thing and we may even hope to be greater peope but there is something very important that peope,especially Burundians,and that thing is a great gift that God has given to all of us


Ephesians 5:16 says:"redeeming the time for the days are evil"

One of the things that are stopping us to reach our goals is THE WAY WE MANAGE AND ORGANIZE OUR TIME", I mean TIME MANAGEMENT.

How do you manage the 24hours that God has given to all of us?

Why is it hard or impossible for some of us to do well one activity per day saying that the time was short whereas there are peaple who are able to manage the same 24 hours you have and can do well  four activities?


Dear Jean, 

I noticed on my studies of anthropology and sociology that  "Time" is more relevant for Western cultures than for Eastern cultures. The way our western society is set up "time" is really a big deal. We can become a slave of time because our activities are organized around a calendar and a time set that people value so much that not observing it can produce real problems in relationships, of accomplishments and can cost a lot of money.

Though the concept of "time management" shared by you is relevant the word "time" used to translate the word in Greek for Ephesians 5:16 is not "chronos" but "Kairos". 

Time in Ephesians 5:16 does not mean "time as of 24 hours", but a fitting season, an opportunity, a season or even a occasion. 

Kairรณs – time as opportunity. ("opportune time") is derived from kara ("head") referring to things "coming to a head" to take full-advantage of. (kairรณs) is "the suitable time, the right moment, a favorable moment".

If I can think further time is a consequence of the fall of men. But for us in REAL let us think of Ephesians 5:16 as time being a opportunity you must seize. 

Time (chronos) has to do with self discipline that you can learn by practicing! It has to do with your word! What value you give to your word, I mean, when you say something can people count on it? It is a decision you make to ordain your life into the tasks you have to do to accomplish your objectives in life. And so on...

I like to see people thinking of opportunities, of seeds coming their way! Education, knowledge, instruction are seeds. You can embrace them or disregard them. You have to be really smart to discern and perceive opportunities in life that well taken advantage of will launch you a new level of accomplishments, of success.

I like to live my life investing in people, relationships, it is a consequence of Love! When you love you give your time, you share with others, you pour out your life like Jesus did.

This REAL group is an opportunity, a Kairos. 

Just imagine! Dr Paul goes to Burundi, make relationships with people like Fabrice, then we meet 4/5 years later in US, we come together with an IDEA to use technology (seizing an opportunity) and then we are together seating around each other in a virtual (global) room taking about this stuff! KAIROS! KAIROS!


Love the conversation. I understand why time management is a topic of discussion here. 

After my first trip to Burundi I was quite frustrated because there seemed to be no value on time. In my opinion there seemed to be lots of wasted time. So I understand why Jean Marie is bringing this topic up. Dr. Josimar is correct. We in the west are fanatical about time because to most Americans TIME IS MONEY!  It is also because our lives are so busy with many many activities. So much so that many miss karios moments, opportunities because we are slaves to a schedule. 

I believe there must be a healthy balance when it comes to our time. How we use our time really speaks to what we value in life. Our values are most important!  As Dr. Josimar said he values relationships and invests in people. Many times he has sacrificed his personal time to invest in other people. He would not spend that time with these people if he did not value the as people. So how you use your time will reflect your values. Values are so important in our lives and really speak to how we use our time. 

Jesus spoke to this when He spoke about the treasures of our heart!  Out of our heart the mouth speaks. These are the things we value. This is a very important topic and will effect our families and business life. 



How do you handle when someone schedule to get together with you at noon? And you say  "yes, I will be there!"  Do you show up at noon or at least 10 minutes before? Or will you let your friend wait for you? Or you do not show up at all!

This situation basically has nothing to do with the verse "redeeming your time" however it can be related if missing the appointment potentially may represent missing an opportunity. 

If I make a commitment to be in such place at an specific time and show up late or simply do not show up reveals a deficiency on my character. 

Making a commitment of time is all about speaking the truth, doing what I said I will do it. It is about honesty, respect for others and being prepared to deliver what I have promised. 

I can't trust someone who fails constantly with his or her word. I can't do business with someone that does not show up in his/her commitments.

Observing time is not cultural! This has to do with the value of word. If you have a meeting at noon you better show up at noon. Don't let people waiting. They have other important things. As much as I don't like the oppression of hard scheduling I need to schedule my day to be able to deliver to my costumers a service with excellence and in an appropriate time.

In general, for many African, Latin America and Brazilian people time does not mean much. Sometimes it is even a subject for jokes. Time management has to do with values. And if people are disrespectful with their time they need to change. They don't miss a bus or a train but when it comes to making a time commitment it goes loosely. Yes, it is strange however that if someone needs to catch a bus, a train or an airplane he or she will be there with sufficient time! 

If a professional says he or she will deliver a service or a product on a specific date he or she must be diligent in delivering it.

These are the aspects you must pay attention to be able to thrive in life and in business.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

REAL (30): Thoughts and ways

Thoughts and ways 

Think of thoughts and ways not just as wicked and sinful! 

Think of thoughts and ways of our own! Thoughts and ways we presume are right; how we think and how we walk, ultimately how we do things as everybody else around us do. 

What we see around us is a multitude reproducing thoughts and ways of generations that led us to be who we are and how unfortunate things don't prosper the way they should.

Who dare to consult with God for His thoughts and ideas to change our lives!

We now know Christianity has not solved our problems. Nations with majority of Christians could not solve their problems with religion.

God's thoughts and ways are not religious. Just think of Jesus walking on the roads and streets of Israel as the Son of God! Why would He need to be be religious as being God Himself!

Everybody else including the religious leaders did not recognize Him as such! Why? 


Saturday, May 21, 2016


REAL - Burundi, Africa

My dream "is to see every disciple of Christ in Burundi transforming communities and raising others who will impact the country, and the whole world through a faithful proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel of The Kingdom."

Therefore, why this dream?

In fact, i was born in the most Christianized country in the world where almost 75% are Christians, only 5% are Muslim, and the rest 20% are indigenous, sects or no religion according to the statistics. But how a country with so many christians persists in a cycles of ethnic violance, and be ranked among the world's most corrupt country and poorest nation? 

Someone would ask himself this question: does the Gospel ever spoken in Burundi has truly transformed lives? Was the Gospel of Jesus faithful proclaimed? How the Gospel of Jesus Christ can become ineffective when it is faithfully proclaimed? 

However, I believe that the Gospel is " the power of God for salvation of everyone who believe." (Rom1:7) I belive also that salvation by Jesus Christ affects all aspects of life including spiritual, social, economics and politics, if not, it is not salvation at all.

So why full transformation?

Full transformation according to my analyses: is all about transforming the World and the lives of people so that relationship with God, others and the environment are restored as God intends. Most people think that the work of churches is to increase the number of believers. No matter what, it is not churches do the work, it is disciples of Jesus that are already prepared and already are out there who must listen to people, find out what their needs are and work with them to meet these needs. 

The church is not a building where christians meet but it is a community of believers  themselves that intentionally must be involved in evry aspect of life in their places, practically sharing the love of God with their neighbours. Eventually, the church is just an assembly of disciples of the Kingdom of God in every part of life. This assembly is an assembly whenever they come together, even two or three gathered in Jesus Name.

Here in Burundi we rejoice when we see people coming to our "churches and filling our churches" (i.e. Buildings) but we don't commit ourselves to disciple those people to become children of God. 

My drean is to see children of God becoming real children of God in their societies and real Kings and priests wherever they are.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


JSalum & PTaylor

We need to understand that the Scriptures are not to be understood intellectually. 

When we read a Bible verse and interpret with our natural mind we miss the message that the Lord wants to communicate with us.

When you read a verse and immediately say: Wow! I got it! You probably did not!

Talking about keeping our wealth in heaven what is this wealth? If silver and gold do not enter into heaven what is the treasure we must store in heaven? 

Do we need wealth to solve our communities problems? If treasures are to be stored in heaven why Abraham, David and Solomon were so rich? 

Can a wealthy man store a treasure in heaven? 

Let me express something very practical! The language we use like "heavenly book", be known in the heavenly book, and all similar expressions are from our religious background! Nothing is more pleasant to God than His children! How to I know that? He loves us and gave His Son Jesus to bring many children into His Glory! 

Yes wealth is not sin! Actually for those who are in Christ the power of sin is already destroyed! It does not mean we don't sin anymore, it means we are all forgiven for everything from the past and future!

When Jesus talks about treasure in Heaven He talks about us. We are His treasure! We are His possession! 

What Jesus is teaching us is that we spend earthly treasures whatever it is, big or small, in doing righteousness! 

We seek His Kingdom and His righteousness when we express His Kingdom and righteousness being who we are (His Kings and priests) performing acts of righteousness. 

It is just like when Jesus said, "No man can serve two masters, either he will love the one and hate the other or he will hate one and love the other. You cannot love God and mammon."

Many people interpret mammon as being money. Mammon is not money, but the world system that holds many captive and opposes the Kingdom of God!  

Who is your source of provision?  Jesus is not teaching that you should not work.  He is teaching that everything is God's and we Must use what is provided to support our families and the needs that He speaks to us to provide for. 

Remember,  Jesus said, "The poor you will have with you always."  He said this when the woman broke the alabaster jar and anointed him. The Judas complained that the money could have been given to the poor. Not then!  My point being that money is to be used by each of us as God directs. It is the LOVE of money that controls people and becomes mammon that opposes the Kingdom of God. 

Thank God we have men and woman using financial gain to advance the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. God takes what we give and multiplies it for his purpose. 

Let us all work and use what God provides for our lives and for those in need. When we do this we reflect the love of God and His Kingdom.


By Dr. Josimar Salum
Followed by a response written by Fabrice Bizimana 

I asked a young man, 24 years old, if he wants to get married. He answered: Oh! Yes! Then I asked him: How much do you have in savings for your wedding? He replied: I don't even have a fiancรฉ! 

That is the problem I find in most of young people! They have dreams, plans, legitimate desires, but they get frustrated as time goes by for not being able to fulfill their dreams.

I told him: if you really want to get married you have to start saving and investing for your new life NOW, even if you don't have a fiancรฉ yet! 

This works for someone who wants to start a business. If you want to become a entrepreneur you have to start with what you have. 

Ideas without material back up are just dreams of a sleeping night. There is nothing more powerful than an idea that is put into action.

People who are stuck in dreams don't understand that between dreams we wake up. We can't sleep forever! Reality requires more than dreams and ideas to start a business.

Let me share three fundaments for life. 





Please, look at this statement very attentively: “Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.” 2 Corinthians 9:10 NIV

God is the Supplier everywhere and He provides for our entire life SEED TO THE SOWER AND BREAD FOR FOOD!

The secret for our true prosperity is to discern from God's provision what it is SEED and what it is BREAD. 

Most people I know eat everything. They not just eat the bread, but they eat also the seed.

How many mangos you have eaten in your entire life? What have you done with their seeds? 


You may argue: I do not own any land to plant any seed! Why should I plant a mango seed in somebodyelse land. You should have thought instead: Wow! I have always eaten of what somebody else has planted! Seeds will grow wherever you plant them. 

I think of seeds anything you can imagine. Ideas, education, books, seeds of fruit trees, cereals, kindness, health, time, myself, anything tangible and intangible that has the power to reproduce in somebody's life. 

Don't think that money itself is a seed! Money is just a carrier of seeds. Money is just a channel of finances and economy! Money can purchase bread and seeds, but it is not a seed.

Please, look around and see if you have any little spot that you can plant at least one seed a week! 

Our greatest enemy is our own egoism and selfishness! A egotistical and selfish person will never be able to fulfill their potential in life in nothing they do. 

I love seeds. Since I was a child more than 40 yeas ago, I have been always fascinated with seeds. At kindergarten our teacher asked us to plant a black bean seed in a wet cotton in a small glass. The bean sprouted and grew! Since then I always carry seeds and plant them wherever I go. You should see my garden in my farm. All the fruit trees! You should see fruit trees that grew in other people lands that I planted myself! The birds of my Father eat the fruits of my little labor. They eat what came from a small seed that I planted one day!

YOU DON'T PLANT SEEDS FOR YOU! YOU SOW SEEDS FOR OTHERS! Because you will never be able to consume yourself all your harvest. God does not increase your bread. God increases your store of seeds.

Jesus spoke about a farmer who harvested all his cereals, stored them and said to himself: Look what you have in store! That night he died! Don't be deceived: Others will eat anyway what you store, unless it is wasted! Wasting displeases God because there are so many people around us in need. 

God increases your store of seeds and your harvest of righteousness if you sow the seeds He gives and if you are satisfied with the bread He feeds you.

Remember: God is the one who provides your food! We should not worry about what we eat and what we wear. God takes care of these things! 


Seeking first the Kingdom of Heaven has nothing to do only with prayer. Seeking the Kingdom has to do with practical things described in the whole Mathew chapter 6. Read for yourself! Mathew 6 starts with giving!

We have been always eating what others have planted! We all do!

Poverty is basically a mentality. I can live around abundance and lack everything. 

I don't want to be a beggar! I will not be a beggar!

If your mentality is only of a RECEIVER, AN EATER and A REAPER you will never be able to fulfill the PURPOSE of God for your life. 

Who is God and how He acts? You are a son of God and His golden purpose for your life is that you may become like Him. Is that possible? Of course it is! All things are possible with God! 

God is a giver, a sower and a sharer!

One mango seed has the potential to supply mangos for the whole world! Any seed has the potential to fill the Earth according to its kind and end the hunger of all children in the planet. We don't lack food in the world! We lack sharing!

“Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but MUST WORK, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something TO SHARE with those in need.” Ephesians 4:28

Don't spiritualize things in your life. Jesus de-spiritualized everything. What it is spiritually discerned is really naturally perceived! 

Jesus spoke about salt, light, money, gold, silver, seeds, bread, etc. Let the invisible world takes care of itself! Let us be like Jesus! The invisible God became flesh to be visible to all men and women!



Do you know why? Because nobody can give what he/she doesn't have. Do you get it? Do you understand?

You already have something to give! You always have a seed to sow! You always have something to share!

Repeat after yourself: I always have something to give! I always have a seed to plant! I always have something to share!

You give if you want to! You only sow a seed if you don't eat it! You share if your heart is generous! 


Usually we reproduce in other areas of our lives what we have learnt and practiced in our homes. A wise woman doesn't waste food or resources in her house. A prudent father is a hardworking man who diligently seek the means to feed his children. A son or a daugther are taught by their parents to do their part of working in their households. An orphan learns since his/her childhood that life is very tough and in order to succeed he/she has to work hard and be courageous to face the trials of life.

I see my household as a small entrepreneurship, a company or a business. Even when I was a young man who started making money in a regular job at 15 I used what I have brought in teachings and experiences from my home. And of course I had committed many mistakes, got involved in debt few times during my business life and some of those mistakes were a reproduction of my early life in my home. But I did not stuck in my past, I learnt many things that my parents never had the opportunity to learn. And moved on. 

It is not just about savings! It is about investing. A bag of gold will do nothing if it is buried in a soil. SAVINGS AND INVESTING is what we are sharing and it does not mean simply saving money in a bank. It is about planting seeds even little. Remember: We eat the bread and we sow the seeds. 

I have to manage my finances with principles. These principles are inspired by constant planning, wise hardworking, proper savings and investing and I am resolute to never be afraid of anything.

At age 21 I became a manager of a mining company with a 12 million dollars revenue per year after two years working in its treasury department. The company CEO saw the way I was organized, diligent and a SouLutionist who was eager to solve problems and gave me that opportunity. 
I know that it was very premature because I lacked sufficient  knowledge, maturity and experience to run a company like that, but my previous small job experiences, the way I managed my own financial life and a big desire to grow and succeed that helped me to gain that position.

In your own personal life you have to have a budget to manage your finances! If you are someone that goes as life goes you do not have the reins of your life. You have to write  your expenses and check out if you have enough revenue to cover them without a deficit.

You may say: I and my family are so poor that we don't need a budget. We don't even have enough to survive day by day! 

“Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered. “Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.” Matthew 14:16-21 NIV

God will always multiply what you have. And remember that God is the one who supplies your seed and bread. 

I had a budget based on my reality. I have to balance it based on my income 

I also had a budget based on what I need to live well, I mean based on how much I would need to live well. I had a reality budget and a dream budget.

I would list what I had to spend to barely survive and I had another list of what it would allow me and my family to live well. 

One of my enemies in life was consumerism: the belief that it is good for people to spend a lot of money on goods and services. The problem resides always in spending more than we are able to. There were situations out of control that brought me into debt. But getting out of debt required exactly what we are sharing here: Savings and investing!

A very simple economic premise or presupposition is that you can't spend what you do not have. And another one you should never spend all you have. Yes, you never spend all you have gained. You always must save at least 10% to invest and as you grow this number will increase until you will be spending 10% and savings, investing and giving 90%.

““Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’ “His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest. “ ‘So take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags.” Matthew 25:24-28 NIV

Once again, do not spiritualize what Jesus is saying. He is talking about material talents and bags of gold that He expects we invest and gain more in order He may come and put us in charge of whole cities. Please, read the whole chapter 25! Especially the final verses where He speaks what can we do that really is done directly to Himself.

““Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:34-36, 40 NIV

When I refer to saving and investing at least 10% and not spending all you have gained I am not talking about "Tithing", if you are a member of a Christian church. I have learned  from the Lord Himself that are many ways "to give to Him", specially when you have many children to feed and so many people in your family and around you in need of assistance.

But let us end this introduction on personal economy and finances making a statement very real: 

Without learning how to manage your own economic and financial life nobody will be willing to invest in your business. 

Recently I met one of my sons for a day of fellowship and conversation. He spoke about a dream he has of helping to educate and disciple about 50 kids in his neighborhood in the city of Sรฃo Paulo. I asked him if he had a budget to do it, then he gave me some numbers. But I was surprised when he said he had saved already $500 Brazilian money for the project. I could say that what he had it is not enough even to start! I didn't say anything! I was so glad to see that he really meant business and he was not speaking mere words. I say this because I have met so many talkers in life and less doers. People who say they will do things but don't give one step further to do it.

I was blessed to realize that he may not reach out 50 kids at once, but he had already enough to bless at least 3. One day, his wife told me. He called me and said: Darling, Jesus is coming to have dinner with us tonight. And he brought a kid from our neighborhood to dine with our children.

I asked my son about his finances and he said that in his household he has no debt, he has a wife who supports him, they have three wonderful children and he works hard in a bakery! 

He is dreaming big. He is already acting. I will not be surprised if in three more years he ends up helping 300 children, feeding them and giving them education for life.

What I have shared here is just an introduction, some basics that can lead us to a more deep conversation on how far you can go with a business of your own that can provide for your family and bless your community and nation. 

Comment by Fabrice Bizimana

Hi everyone. I would like to leave my comment on the personal Economy and personal finances subjects that Drs Salum and Tylor are introducing to us. 

I liked the concept of avoiding to consume all your income which is called personal savings. 

In Burundi where I am from people don’t really understand the importance of saving. There are several reasons that explain why people don’t save. The main reason is lack of knowledge. 

I also understand that in my country many people are poor and in debts. People struggle to survive today and to pay the debts to earn trust from those they owe money. That’s a hard situation in a country with a high unemployment rate. 

There are also other challenges that discourage people to save. For instance, some families won’t even afford to open a bank account. Many banks will take out some of your money each month. 

By the way, saving doesn’t mean always going to a bank or starting with saving an important sum of money. It is truly like eating a mango and remembering keeping the seed to plant it next time for more mango trees. 

A seed doesn’t have to be necessary big to produce its kind in the future. It has the potential to produce even more than you think or expect. It requires a different mindset to understand the importance of saving. 

Whenever we start to think different, we live different. 

We choose to buy an expensive phone, expensive clothes, or rent an expensive car or house without considering our income and we end up eating the seed and tomorrow we go hungry. I wonder why a normal person would do that?  

I think when people are more focused on the present life and challenges they become deprived of the ability to think about tomorrow. 

When people are starving and trying to survive today, they become hopeless because they have no future. We normally create our future. 

So, learning to save is taking a step from the hopelessness situation and start to plan, to dream, to hope and to be aware of the future. 

There is power in a seed no matter how small it is because it does multiply.

The other thing besides investing in yourself, you need to invest in people. You need to help others to accomplish their goals. The best way to do it, is being generous with others. There is such joy and peace when people succeed together. 

You will never have peace and security when the person next to your door is starving. I can testify how generosity can also will  open doors for your success. 

There is no way for a sustainable community development when people are selfish and not collaborating, sharing, working together, serving each other or helping, investing in each other.  

Change doesn’t just come like that, we collectively make it. These what will our young generation to learn become effective leaders today and in the future.

Friday, May 13, 2016

REAL (26) Work in the Kingdom perspective

Work in the Kingdom perspective 
Dr. Paul Taylor 

I want to begin to lay a foundation for why God has given us all gifts and ability to work. Before I do so I remind u of of a quote that I believe is so important as we go forward. 

"If revelation does not lead us to a divine encounter, it only works to make us more religious and arrogant, because the nature of knowledge is to puff up!"
Bill Johnson

Our desire is not to puff up with knowledge, but to lead us into a deeper encounter with Jesus Christ that will empower us to accomplish our purpose for this generation. 

Why did God give us gifts to work?  Is work part of the curse?  Does only work in a religious setting glorify God or does all honest work glorify God?  I hope I can answer all those questions before I am through. 

"Before you were born, your end result was already deposited within you. God did not place "birth and death" in your womb. He placed "The discovery of a Divine Word, and He also placed the result of that Word within you. He created your beginning and your end, not just you "being born and dying."
Andre Fizer

I encourage u to read that quote over and over again until it gets deep in your spirit. U were created for a divine purpose!  Don't confuse divine with religious. U were created by God to accomplish something on earth. This is why we have been emphasizing that everyone is called and anointed for the purpose for which they were created. 

Second, you were created and placed on earth!  Most of what we hear taught in church is about going to heaven. You were not created for heaven. 

"May you be blessed by the Lord who made heaven and earth. The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's; but the earth He has given to the children of men." Ps. 105:15,16

“Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.”
2 Peter 3:13-14

As you read the creation story there is no mention of heaven. Mankind was created for the earth. 

"Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth." Genesis 1:28

Notice man was not to subdue or have dominion over other men!  

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
Genesis 1:26

So we can clearly see that we were created by God, in His image, for the purpose here on earth!

"This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground."
Genesis 2:4-5

There was no herb
No rain
No plant
No man

So God created man. 

Jesus Christ restored to us what was lost in the garden, eternal life!  Agreed we must deal with corruptible flesh but in Christ all things are possible!!!!

So man is formed.
The garden is planted.
Work is established.

Notice that work is established before the fall of man. 

This is very important for us to understand because most people believe that work is a part of the curse. NOT SO!  

You were created to work!  I am going to stop here and give time to respond. 

Notice that man was created to work and there are no churches, no ministers, no clergy, not even the five fold gifts!  

I would like to continue teaching about work because it is the foundation to build on. 

Work was given to Adam before the fall!  There r three words for work in Genesis 2. 

1. To till.... (abad) Genesis 2:5

2. To tend...(abodah) Genesis 2:15

3. To keep...(shamar) Genesis 2:15

Abad: to serve; cultivate; as in: develop a culture or change the climate 

Abodah: to work, serve and worship. "Our understanding of worship comes close to the Hebrew meaning of 'abohad'.

Shamar: to put a guard, be a watchman. 

This is proof that when God gave Adam work (his purpose on the earth), to till and tend to the garden, it was his worship to His Creator. His obedience to what God had given him to do and the use of the talents and abilities given to him to perform this work, brought the Lord great pleasure. 

God placed in Adam what he needed to accomplish what he was called, assigned or purposed to do!

I personally believe that work also brought great pleasure to Adam!

When you the created does what you were created to do, you will please God and you will draw great pleasure from it also!  You will never work another day in your life!  In fact you will be energized when doing what u were created to do!

This is not to say that u will not get tired. We have this treasure in earthen vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7-18). 

I am also not saying that singing is not worship. Singing is wonderful and we love praising our King Jesus!  But we r trying to establish the truth that there is no clergy and laity. That Sunday is not the only day we should worship God but every day is the Lord's. And that u are anointed to do what you were created to do and when u do it THAT IS WORSHIP TO GOD!

We have far to many believers who go to church on Sunday thinking it is the only way to worship God. They then hate going to work the next day other than they know they have to work to pay the bills. What if u discovered your purpose for life and could provide for your family's needs by doing it?  How happy u would be!  How much more productive u would be!

Here is the formula to finding your purpose in life. 


Your target group just means who u will do it for or with. Maybe u r passionate about singing but u can't sing?  That is not God's purpose for your life because u do not have the ability to do that. YOU POSSESS EVERYTHING U NEED TO BE SUCCESSFUL AND TO FULFILL YOUR PURPOSE!

U must have ability to do what u r passionate about. Now, who will u do it for?  Will it be in a company, a church, or the government?  Will it be in your community, your country or maybe it will be international?

Maybe u r called to be a mother and raise your children to serve the Lord and to know their purpose in life?  There is nothing wrong with that. 

Lets continue with our discussion on the origin of work. 

We have discovered that work was not a part of the curse when man sinned in Genesis 3. In fact work was given to man and was Adam's act of worship to God.  

Do u think God only made Adam this way?  There were no church buildings, worship services or even a Bible to read, yet Adam worshipped God as he tended the garden and named the animals. He had dominion over all of creation, but most important, Adam and his wife, not yet named Eve walked with God in conversational relationship. I will get back to this relationship in a moment. 

"...of every tree of the garden you may freely eat." 
Genesis 2:16  Provision was provided by God. 

"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil u shall not eat; for in that day that u eat thereof u shall surely die." Genesis 2:17

When man disobeyed God by eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil several things happened. 

They were removed from the garden and separated from God. Their relationship was broken. They would no longer live forever as first created by God. They became human beings in need of a Savior!  


The serpent was cursed.  The ground was cursed but man was never cursed by God!

"Cursed is the ground for your sake: In toil u shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for the sweat of your face...
Genesis 3:17-18

Your provision is connected to the ground/creation. 
It was the ground that was cursed. 
When the curse was broken: Salvation became available. Salvation is more than a ticket to heaven. Salvation restores the relationship that was lost with our Heavenly Father and our original purpose to walk in relationship with Him on the earth!  Salvation also broke the curse and redeemed our provision!

I strongly recommend you read Romans 8:19-22

All creation waits for the revealing of the sons of God. That is you!  The redeemed. It is in deliverance from sin that you are reconciled to your Heavenly Father, to walk in relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, discover your purpose, identity, calling, assignment, and your provision is released!

Everything now flows out of your relationship with God just as it did with Adam!  You now have eternal life, not just because you are forgiven, but because your relationship has been restored with your Heavenly Father. 

Adam lived because he walked in relationship with God. He lived because he heard the voice or sound of God!

Jesus said, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
Matthew 4:4

You need to be hearing God's voice. We live by hearing the Word (rhema or spoken word) of God. We will talk more about this later. 

All of what we are sharing with you directly relates to LIFE, and how you will live. It will determine how you will run your business when you understand that your business is worship to God. 

"Because the creation itself will also be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious Liberty of the children of God."  Romans 8:21

"For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now."
Vs. 22

YOU ARE PREGNANT WITH YOUR PROVISION AND YOUR DESTINY!!!  It is time to live what God has created you to be!

We r going to help u do that as u apply the principles u r being taught.  God has so much more each of us and it is in us!!!