Saturday, May 21, 2016


REAL - Burundi, Africa

My dream "is to see every disciple of Christ in Burundi transforming communities and raising others who will impact the country, and the whole world through a faithful proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel of The Kingdom."

Therefore, why this dream?

In fact, i was born in the most Christianized country in the world where almost 75% are Christians, only 5% are Muslim, and the rest 20% are indigenous, sects or no religion according to the statistics. But how a country with so many christians persists in a cycles of ethnic violance, and be ranked among the world's most corrupt country and poorest nation? 

Someone would ask himself this question: does the Gospel ever spoken in Burundi has truly transformed lives? Was the Gospel of Jesus faithful proclaimed? How the Gospel of Jesus Christ can become ineffective when it is faithfully proclaimed? 

However, I believe that the Gospel is " the power of God for salvation of everyone who believe." (Rom1:7) I belive also that salvation by Jesus Christ affects all aspects of life including spiritual, social, economics and politics, if not, it is not salvation at all.

So why full transformation?

Full transformation according to my analyses: is all about transforming the World and the lives of people so that relationship with God, others and the environment are restored as God intends. Most people think that the work of churches is to increase the number of believers. No matter what, it is not churches do the work, it is disciples of Jesus that are already prepared and already are out there who must listen to people, find out what their needs are and work with them to meet these needs. 

The church is not a building where christians meet but it is a community of believers  themselves that intentionally must be involved in evry aspect of life in their places, practically sharing the love of God with their neighbours. Eventually, the church is just an assembly of disciples of the Kingdom of God in every part of life. This assembly is an assembly whenever they come together, even two or three gathered in Jesus Name.

Here in Burundi we rejoice when we see people coming to our "churches and filling our churches" (i.e. Buildings) but we don't commit ourselves to disciple those people to become children of God. 

My drean is to see children of God becoming real children of God in their societies and real Kings and priests wherever they are.


  1. No words ! Only my comment is : May God bless your dream and make it happen...

  2. No words ! Only my comment is : May God bless your dream and make it happen...
