Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Saying good bye for July Dr. Paul Taylor

Saying good bye for July
Dr. Paul Taylor

I have seen some posts today about saying goodbye to the month of July. Can I take a moment to ask u to reflect. 

Time is one thing we can never get back. The Bible tells us to "redeem the time."  I want u to reflect on the past month and ask yourself these questions:

1. What did I accomplish in July?

2.  Who did I impact with my life?

3.  Did I make the most out of the time I was given?

4.  What did I learn that can help me be more effective, impactful, and purposeful in the month of August?

We are all given the same amount of time. We will all be held accountable for what we did with the time we have been given. I know that in the USA we are overly conscious of time. To us, time is money. The truth is, time is more than money. Time is opportunity. It is an opportunity to do something for others, to accomplish something that has not been done before, to give what we have received and to be who we were created to be!  

So may we all be more aware of time for the purpose of being more effective at what we have been given in life. As I always say, "Someone is waiting for you!  Don't miss the opportunity to make a difference!"

God bless. Believing for the impossible!

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