Monday, March 28, 2016

REAL (12):Business x religion

Dr. Josimar Salum

Before we begin to share thoughts about entrepreneurship and business according to the kingdom we must establish a solid base. A house that is built upon sand perish. If we build Truth upon myth Truth will be lost. The greatest challenge in our walk with God is to have His solid foundation built upon the right soil. For years we have continued to do things in Church and in life without any good results because they were done upon a false foundation. 

If we don't break chains of religious mindsets we will not be free to be and to do what Jesus wants us to be and to do in our lifetime. Business is not about religion. A religious spirit is not confined to church, but also it manifests in the market. There is nothing more damaging to entrepreneurship than a religious world view. 

People think prayer will solve everything. That is not true. 

I understand that prayer is vital to our relationship with God. But it is fact there are many people per example that buy bikes, cars and other stuff without any prayer and succeed. They are not even believers. Some are atheists. Believers pray to buy something which can show their dependence on God, but it is the dependence that counts. In our case there is much more involved than prayer in buying a bike. You can pray as much as you want but you will need knowledge, experience, and some other things to buy the right one for the right price. Oh! Yes, someone can give you one for free. But usually in life when it is men related there is nothing free.

If you are in your house praying and praying for your needs but don't move in action to work and do whatever it takes to feed you and your family you will die of hunger. Dr. Paul Taylor crafted a word: Soulutionist. You are the solution of somebody's problem. The same Jesus who teaches us to pray is the same that commanded us to work. 

The main thing that confuses believers in the matters of life, faith and everything else is wrong interpretation of the Scriptures and Christian traditions. 

 “Thus you nullify the scriptures of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.””
Mark 7:13 NIV

The key to interpret Scriptures is Jesus, You have to interpret the Bible through Jesus. Jesus is the Key of Bible interpretation.

The work of Jesus on the cross is a finished work. There is nothing to be done regarding our faith, salvation, redemption and so on. What Jesus dismantled on the cross and it is included all religious activities, Christianity has remounted during the last centuries and we today keep doing the same within our Christian churches. 

People can twist the meaning of what we are saying if they don't want to honestly address the fact that beliefs can be based not in Jesus, but instead on human traditions, originated in misguided Bible interpretation and as results of things they have learned without questioning them to get assured they were right. 

The difference between a parrot and a baby is that a parrot learns to talk hearing people talking over and over the same words, but as they get older they never can say a word by their own.

If you are born again from the Spirit of God He lives in you. And though you can learn from other people of God you have the responsibility to think for your own and to check it out what you are learning through the Scriptures according to Jesus, the Word.

As we enter in this new journey we have to be careful to avoid disrespecting pastors and other leaders of our communities. I have met people that became rebellious and bitter towards their leaders. They begin to think that now for knowing "truth about some things" they assume they can despise those who are invested in authority. Absolutely not. Transformation comes when you are able to educate and not to revolt against your parents and your leaders. Any of us can run into the same mistake of thinking that we are better because we know more. Knowledge without wisdom can be a disgrace! 

“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”
James 3:13-18 NIV

A bumble heart and a meek spirit always prevail. After more than 35 years leading people I am more convinced that the best is yet to come if I keep my mind open to learn even from those I don't agree with. 

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