Thursday, July 21, 2016

Real (00: A Word of Challenge


We do nothing good if we are educated but we don't apply in practical ways what we learn. 

We are being mentored here. Wow! That is so great! Really?

How many of you are mentoring another person? Is there a child in your family or in your neighborhood that you are teaching and passing on what you are learning, and living and practicing?

Transformation is not intellectual, it is practical. 

Nobody is transformed just learning and learning and nothing else. 

I get very annoyed with speakers! If you get to know me well I am always moving, doing something useful and always learning and teaching. I am thirsty and hungry for new things, for knowledge and instruction, for God. I am always interacting and pursuing and sometimes, only sometimes, I quite myself down to hear the silence of God!

Mango is a delicious fruit, so sweet, so nutritive. It is so beautiful! I have chosen mango to be our fruit in REAL. 

The last time I went to my farm in Brazil I planted about 30 mango trees and 70 different fruit trees: oranges, tangerines, and other types of trees. I have always been fascinated by seeds and trees. My younger brother has learned this and decided to plant banana trees. He planted already about 120. Now our neighbors are planting fruit trees also like never before. 

You know that when you root out cassava from the ground you have to plant the branches if you want to harvest more cassava in the future. Cassava has no seeds as far as I know. Now in our farm we have decided that for every cassava tree we harvest we have to cut the branches and plant all of them again. If we keep doing this we may be able to end the hunger in the cities around very soon with cassava. Cassava is a powerful food. How much of space available you have around you to plant cassava? 

I just found out some berries in my condo where I live. I am amazed to have found these fruits that nobody have planted! I mean, birds may have planted them. Even birds plant berries! They eat and leave some for the ground!

Wherever I go I want to get seeds of fruit trees to plant in my farm. When I visited Madagascar I ate a fruit that I love dearly. I got the seeds and went outside, to the yard of the mansion Dr. Taylor and I were hosted and planted them. 

Have you planted a mango tree in your life? How many mangos have you eaten in your entire life and how many mango seeds have you planted? Don't be frustrated if you did not. Do it now! And in the very near future whenever you have a seed, plant it, wherever you are. Is there a seed in your house today that you can plant? Now?

Is there a seed of the Kingdom in your heart today that you can sow on somebody's life?

Is there a family in your country that need to be transformed? Is there a community in your country that need to be transformed? Is there a nation in your country that need to be transformed?

Are there any garbage and trash in your street or road or yard? Start cleaning out the world by collecting this piece of paper on the floor at your side and properly discharge it! Let us clean our environment! I hate trash and garbage! What a terrible thing an unclean house, an unclean town and an unclean country! It reminds me a place where demons dwell. Let us cast out some demons by cleaning our communities!

What about a little act of love? Let us share a banana with a neighbor, a piece of cake, a cookie today. Find a kid on your way out to work and give him or her a candy. Let us teach a younger friend a principle for life! Let us be doers and not talkers.

Let us forward all these teachings to our friends list in your Whatsapp! What about this? Let us share on Facebook what we have learnt, what we are learning! Let us share some of the thoughts to somebody in any way we have. Let us translate these teachings and share at the church! At a school class! Anywhere to anybody!

What is your imagination telling you how you can sow all these seeds, lots of them, you have in store? Don't keep them just for you! They will get rotted! Don't eat them all! Share! Give them away! Sow! 

Here is my challenge! Don't talk! Stop any nonsense talking! Talking is just talking! It is cheap and just produce laziness! Let us change the way everybody do things. Like in the Nike logo! Just do it!  


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