Tuesday, December 1, 2020



Jolis Bigirimana

We were left to fight alone. Then God intervened. Today we've overcome, they're not understanding how we made it without their help. They thought we'd fail, and never cared if we could. Please come to our table, let's celebrate. Don't be filled with shame, we understand. It happens.

(If you've just read this, never miss an opportunity to help someone you know succeed in life, when God causes strangers to do and they succeed greatly, you will live your entire life blaming yourself and wishing you helped them). 

And as I always say, always remember that the greatest investment you will ever make in this passing world, is one you do in people. While you're alive, help as many people as you can. It's a lifetime rewarding and so fulfilling investment: to hear generations thanking your name for helping their father or grandfather, for seeing someone you helped mentioning your name on bigger platform that without you they wouldn't have been there. Always remember that.

And now you who have been abandoned and not cared for by the people that you so much expected from, loose out from anger. As a matter of fact, admit it that they owed you nothing in the first place. It was their money, their resources, their labor and sweat. So don't eye them badly for not helping you. If God provided through His means, and you have made it, be thankful, call them to your table, help lifting other people and even the children of those that let you down. Because you know how it means not to be helped. 

My reminder is "lift generations and be reminded to always thank and celebrate the vessels God used to lift you up. Those ones deserve your respect, honor and celebration."

Let me finish by this: personally I have a list of families and friends that stood right next to me in time of my need. They are people who believed in the person I will be. They did not see who I was or am. They believed in the "Becoming Picture" 

If you are reading this, I want you to know that I am so grateful and I will return with honors someday. 

To everyone: Never be cheated of self made people. No matter who you are, someone helped you get there, RETURN the Honors. Maybe not to them, but to others in your neighborhood who lacks help. May God certify you as a right Vessel to bless others.