Wednesday, April 26, 2017


By Dr. Antônio Henriques 

Strategies to disrupt malaria transmission include effective deployment of antimalarial drugs, personal mosquito protection, mosquito vector control, and research (including vaccine development). 

Optimal malaria control (eg, leading to elimination) using these tools requires the following elements of the new World Health Organization (WHO) Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016 to 2030. 

In addition to acceleration of elimination, country and community ownership, improved surveillance, equity in health services, and innovation in tools and implementation, the technical foci are:

- Effective human, parasitologic, and entomologic surveillance at health facilities and in communities

- An understanding of local Anopheline ecology (including breeding, biting, and resting habits)

- Administrative, managerial, supervisory, and operational capacity (including trained leaders and staff)

- An ongoing monitoring and evaluation system for deployment and use of drugs, long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), indoor residual spraying (IRS), and environmental modifications

- Sustained high-level, long-term national and international commitment

In 2008, the WHO divided 104 malarious countries into three groups: 25 countries that have recently eliminated malaria or with conditions amenable to elimination, 32 countries with unstable malaria amenable to control and elimination with current tools, and 47 countries with stable transmission and poor infrastructure (eg, requiring further infrastructure development before additional measures can be implemented). 

Burúndi is, unfortunately, in the third group. 

But it's one of the reasons why OUFA is being created. Let's work  on it.

For a BURUNDI free of malaria!


“For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.” Proverbs 2:6-8 

“My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (science )." Colossians 2:2-3 

Last month (03/15/2017) we had a very good conversation on REAL group about the eradication of malaria in Burundi and we have started a prayer movement for the end of malaria in Burundi. 

For information about REAL group visit 



Manirakiza Jeremiah send us this: 

"Ten million Burundians have got malaria, the first disease that kills many people in Africa. 

This disease is caused by mosquitos. 97% of patients at the health care centers or the hospitals, are those who suffer from malaria.

This is happenning while the famine has attacked some regions. 

Then how do you think is this while Burundian population is twelve million of people? 

The daily ration of the family now is between 1,500 and 1,000BIF. (Less than U$ 1)

This disease is very vicious when it attacks a hungry one. It needs prayers for it. Then I am thankful to the WFP and some other religions for their contribution in giving food the hungry families."

Then I asked: What is the solution to eradicate malaria that you and others can do?

Tharcisse Nzosaba: 

"I'm a bit against that, there are so many burundians who've been given mosquito net but who use them badly. Some use them in fishing, others protecting their fields... When they get malaria they say that they are poor, they can't buy mosquito net whereas they got them for free. 

I hope some of burundians get malaria because of ignorance. Yes we have to pray but also to act, to teach them the importance of mosquito net, how much it can cost them to be treated once they are ill, so is better to prevent than to be treated 😉 

Malaria needs treatment, God helps patients to get medicines or mosquito net. Burundians are accoustomed to pray for anything even malaria because they don't have an other helper like Jesus.
Burundians needs also teachings of how we prevent malaria and the use of mosquito net.

I replied: 

YOU HAVE TO THINK: What you and your friends together can do to solve the malaria issue in your community! Mosquitos Nets will always be needed if Mosquitos continue to be around! 

If You need an intervention from God to solve this at once you need with thousands and thousands of Burundians, to really pray about. CORPORATE PRAYER! Seriously start a prayer movement to mobilize the whole nation to pray for the eradication of malaria. And with an united prayer movement you think and practice solutions to end malaria in Burundi.

It is not simple to solve this! But there must be something YOU CAN DO to solve at least around you! Start killing mosquitos! Do you think this is funny? No. 

Start doing something while calling the whole nation do plea with heaven that God eradicates malaria totally in Burundi. 

Burúndi needs God Power Transformation Now!

Please think properly! Mosquitos nets, medicines and other stuff have not solved the issue! We need a MALARIA FREE COUNTRY!

“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.@ 2 Chronicles 7:14
We need actions, but it comes with pleading the courts of Heaven.

Think! Think! Think! And start sharing this message with everyone you can! 

Let all Burundians pray all over the land! GOD, give us a total malaria free country!

It shall come to pass. It starts now with you!

Dr. Josimar Salum

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

COMO NÓS PODEMOS UNIR, JUNTOS E COMO UM, NO BURUNDI E NA ÁFRICA: ENSAIO PARA "ONE UNIVERSITY FOR AFRICA" - Uma universidade para a África. Por: Ephraim Manirakiza, Josimar Salum e Paul Taylor

COMO NÓS PODEMOS UNIR, JUNTOS E COMO UM, NO BURUNDI E NA ÁFRICA: ENSAIO PARA "ONE UNIVERSITY FOR AFRICA" - Uma universidade para a África. Por: Ephraim Manirakiza, Josimar Salum e Paul Taylor


Se você está ferido, amargurado e abriga o ódio dentro de você, deixe o Amor de Jesus curar seu coração, sua alma e seu espírito. Não se apresse a envolver-se no que chamamos de "ministério", porque assim este "ministério" serve apenas para impedir que as pessoas se tornem saudáveis.

 ​Há tantos de nós que nos escondemos atrás de nossos "ministérios" em vez de abraçar a Luz de Deus para nos mostrar quem realmente somos, então devemos confessar nossos pecados, arrepender-nos verdadeiramente, nascer de novo, entrar no Reino de Deus e permitir que o Reino de Deus entre em nós para nos transformar na imagem de Cristo Jesus.

O seu coração está amargo, magoado e frustrado? Você está abrigando alguma falta de perdão em sua alma?

Você não deve "ministrar" à igreja, pregar ou simplesmente lutar para não continuar sua vida "cristã" da maneira que você esta levando-a!

Deixe o Senhor amá-lo, permita que ele dê-lhe uma chuva de amor através das pessoas que te amam; deixe o rio de fogo líquido do amor de Jesus passar por você até que nada, a não ser o amor, flua do seu ser mais íntimo.

Na verdade, em Cristo Jesus não há "muitos ministérios", apenas UM; O MINISTÉRIO DA RECONCILIAÇÃO.

"Desde então, sabemos o que é temer o Senhor, tentamos persuadir os outros. O que somos é claro para Deus, e espero que também seja claro para a sua consciência. Nós não estamos tentando nos recomendar a você novamente, mas estão dando a você a oportunidade de se orgulhar de nós, para que você possa responder aos que se orgulham do que é visto, e não do que está no coração. 

Se estamos fora de nossa mente, como alguns dizem, é para Deus, se estamos em nosso juízo correto, é para você, porque Cristo, o amor nos obriga, porque estamos convencidos de que um morreu por todos e, portanto, todos morreram. 

E ele morreu por todos, para que aqueles que vivem não vivam para si mesmos, mas para aquele que morreu por eles e ressuscitou, de modo que, de agora em diante, não consideramos ninguém do ponto de vista mundano. 

Embora uma vez tenhamos considerado Cristo desta maneira, não o fazemos mais. Em Cristo, a nova criação veio: O velho já passou, eis que o novo veio!

Tudo isso vem de Deus, que nos reconciliou consigo mesmo por meio de Cristo e nos deu o ministério da reconciliação: que Deus estava reconciliando o mundo consigo em Cristo, sem contar pecados contra eles. 

E ele nos confiou a mensagem da reconciliação. Somos, portanto, os embaixadores de Cristo, como se Deus estivesse fazendo seu apelo através de nós. 

Nós vos imploramos em nome de Cristo: Conciliai-vos com Deus. Deus fez aquele que não tinha pecado para ser pecado por nós, para que nele pudéssemos ser a justiça de Deus ". 2 Coríntios 5: 11-21


"Pois ele nos livrou do domínio das trevas e nos introduziu no reino do Filho que ele ama, em quem temos a redenção, o perdão dos pecados.

O Filho é a imagem do Deus invisível, o primogênito sobre toda a criação. Porque nele foram criadas todas as coisas no céu e na terra, visíveis e invisíveis, sejam tronos, ou poderes, ou governantes, ou autoridades; Todas as coisas foram criadas por ele e para ele. Ele é antes de todas as coisas, e nele todas as coisas subsistem.

Porque Deus se agradou de ter em si toda a sua plenitude e, por meio dele, reconciliar consigo todas as coisas, quer na terra, quer no céu, fazendo a paz pelo seu sangue, derramado na cruz. Uma vez que você foi alienado de Deus e foram inimigos em suas mentes por causa de seu comportamento mal. Mas agora Ele vos reconciliou pelo corpo físico de Cristo através da morte, para vos apresentar santos aos seus olhos, sem mancha e livres de acusação -" Colossenses 1: 13-17, 19-22

Nós ousamos tentar trazer uma imagem justa de Burundi enquanto humildemente buscamos soluções para seus problemas.


Não devemos ignorar as realidades contextuais do Burundi se quisermos encontrar um remédio duradouro para os problemas dos "burundenses." 

Se queremos ter bons frutos, devemos curar a árvore de suas raízes. Tratar a doença; não os sintomas.

Burundi tem experimentado muitos problemas, desde assassinatos horríveis até a pobreza devido à ignorância baseada em ideologias étnicas.

É surpreendente que Burundi reivindique ter mais de 80 de cristãos, e, contudo, muitos deles matam uns aos outros por causa de diferenças estúpidas. É absolutamente maligno e inconcebível que os cristãos participem desses crimes hediondos. Como podemos esperar mudanças positivas enquanto alguns líderes religiosos ou políticos que se autodenominam cristãos são corruptos e abrigam desejos egoístas em seus corações?

Sejamos claros sobre isso; é além do nosso entendimento ouvir ou ver cristãos envolvidos nos crimes contra a humanidade que são comumente cometidos por "pagãos". Inúmeras pessoas foram oprimidas, marginalizadas e mortas tanto pelos "pagãos" quanto pelos chamados "cristãos".

Embora essas palavras possam parecer duras, estamos escrevendo-as em AMOR.

Os antigos colonialistas e líderes burundeses têm usado divisões étnicas para obter o poder e não para o bem-estar dos cidadãos.

Há datas trágicas de massacres étnicos que permanecem e serão gravadas para sempre nas mentes dos burundeses: 1965, 1972, 1988, 1993-2005. Desde 2015 até agora, o distúrbio não é aparentemente baseado em um aspecto étnico, mas a influência étnica ainda é evidente em muitas ações dos burundeses. Hutus são a maioria, cerca de 80 da população, Tutsis são cerca de 14, e Twas compõem o restante 1.

Em uma nota histórica, Burundi foi conduzido por reis e presidentes Tutsis antes e após sua independência em 1962 até 1993. Os presidentes Hutu estiveram no governo de 1993 a 1996, presidentes Tutsi retomaram o poder (era um presidente Tutsi desta vez) desde 1996 para 2003 e, finalmente, os presidentes Hutu voltaram ao poder em 2003 até agora.


Durante o governo dos Tutsis, alguns Hutus eram infelizes, e vice-versa. Isso resultou na criação de grupos rebeldes que existem até hoje.

Embora as crianças e as mulheres não tenham um bom lugar na comunidade, e mencionando o fato de que os Twas são marginalizados por Tutsis e Hutus, o governo de hoje está envolvendo Hutus, Tutsis, Twas e mulheres em sua liderança. Também esta apelando para as crianças. As associações privadas devem tomar este bom exemplo governamental e incluir todas as pessoas em seus serviços. Não devemos nos ver uns aos outros por grupos, mas como um povo, como um Corpo, como indivíduos que são membros uns dos outros.

Em retrospecto, Burundi não era suposto ter um problema étnico quando você considera que todos Hutus, Tutsis e Twas vivem juntos, utilizam uma só língua (Kirundi), têm uma cultura, etc.

Então por que estamos dizendo isso? É porque quando fazemos algo no Burundi, a primeira coisa que aparece na mente do observador é a preocupação étnica; quem é o líder, um Hutu ou um Tutsi? Quantos Hutus ou Tutsis estão na mesa? Twas não são considerados pois eles geralmente não têm chance de obter uma educação como os Tutsis e Hutus. Se quisermos fazer algo pelo bem de Burundi e outros países vizinhos, devemos nos nivelar como iguais e estar abertos a um trabalho adorável com todos, uns com os outros, para o bem de todos!

Burundi precisa de uma cura total na "unicidade". Se quisermos que a nossa visão de um novo Burundi seja bem-sucedida, devemos considerar aspectos étnicos, de gênero, educacionais, regionais, políticos, religiosos e de faixas etárias. Não podemos fazê-lo a cem por cento, mas ainda podemos tentar o nosso melhor.

E se todos os membros do conselho de ONE UNIVERSITY FOR AFRICA forem apenas Hutus ou Tutsis, homens ou mulheres, adultos ou jovens, pessoas da mesma região ou religião e excluam os Twas e imigrantes no país? Precisamos ir além de nossas próprias "bolhas de perspectiva" e ser generosos uns com os outros, facilitar nossos próprios relacionamentos e tomar uma decisão consciente de fazer todos os esforços para se tornar pontes de reconciliação e paz, ver os outros como Deus nos vê, um povo; um reino indiviso. 

Precisamos que os membros da diretoria sejam vistos apenas como homens e mulheres de Deus, que podem trabalhar além das fronteiras étnicas, políticas, religiosas, regionais, de gênero e geracionais.

Verdadeiros cristãos deveriam ser bons modelos em se comportar decentemente. Se formos verdadeiros discípulos de Cristo, devemos estar abertos para trabalhar com alguém de dentro e de fora das igrejas. Lembre-se, nós somos reis e sacerdotes do Rei! Isto não é sobre a igreja. Isto é sobre o Reino. E para o reino, é necessário que todos os cidadãos mantenham uma mentalidade baseada no Reino, em vez de uma mentalidade baseada na igreja. 

Como Jesus, estamos convidando todas as pessoas a sentar à Sua mesa!

Nossa oração é que Deus possa guiar cada um de nós para escolher ou selecionar pessoas para trabalhar e atribuir-lhes diferentes papéis. Por quê? Porque a única causa que temos é a de trazer o sucesso a esta visão de um Burundi novo e transformado.

É por isso que ONE deve ser plenamente compreendido; a fim de realmente impactar o Burundi e todos os países, nações, tribos e línguas da região dos Grandes Lagos da África.

Muitas pessoas só querem que seus próprios sonhos sejam cumpridos, mas não nós. A ONE só acontecerá quando perseguimos a Regra de Ouro e nos preocupamos com os outros acima de nós mesmos. Nós nos esforçaremos para tratar os outros da maneira que cada um de nós deseja ser tratado.

 ​Percebemos que a falta de CONFIANÇA entre os burundeses está desaparecendo porque Deus está levantando pessoas perdoadoras de todos os grupos que são confiáveis ​​e constroem relacionamentos uns com os outros.

Assim, propomos este princípio de IMITAÇÃO. Paulo diz aos Coríntios: "Sede imitadores de mim, como eu sou de Cristo, ou segue o meu exemplo, como eu sigo o exemplo de Cristo". 1 Cor.11: 1

Precisamos de pessoas cujas palavras e atos sejam dignos de serem imitados e seguidos. Pessoas que servem aos outros com justiça, humildade e amor. Falamos de pessoas incorporadas aos princípios da Liderança de Servo. Prevemos pessoas cujos projetos são para o bem de todos os cidadãos, incluindo estrangeiros que vivem dentro do país. Pessoas que fazem a diferença simplesmente por serem quem são. Pessoas cujas palavras e atos não são contraditórios.

Burundi precisa ser re-evangelizado. Na verdade, Burundi precisa ser evangelizado com o Evangelho do Reino. Os cidadãos seguirão o bom exemplo dos verdadeiros cristãos.

Apelamos a todos, nativos e não nativos, todos os amigos, para encorajar todas as pessoas que estão trabalhando para uma mudança transformacional no Burundi para a glória de Deus. Enquanto o Burundi está a ser transformado, outras nações Africanas seguirão. Por quê? Sabemos que Deus está trabalhando com todas as nações da África.

Isso deve ser feito em um concerto (aliança) trabalho em equipe. Um indivíduo não conseguiria trazer esta mudança positiva ao Burundi, mas mais de um, como um, pode ter sucesso.

Já ouvimos o som de uma trombeta celestial e vozes altas vindo do céu! O céu está descendo! É dentro de você e de mim. O Rei está aqui! Seu Reino já foi estabelecido!

"O sétimo anjo tocou a sua trombeta, e houve vozes altas no céu, que diziam:" Os reinos deste mundo tornaram-se o reino de nosso Deus e de seu Messias, e todos nós estamos reinando com Ele ".

Obrigado pelos seus esforços diários para nos aproximar da nossa meta, que é um NOVO BURUNDI. UMA NOVA ÁFRICA. UM NOVO MUNDO. Deus está criando um novo céu e uma nova terra onde habita a Justiça. Deus te abençoe profundamente.

Monday, April 3, 2017

3 Reasons Why The Western Church Should Care by Mario Freitas (*)

3 Reasons Why The Western Church Should Care by Mario Freitas (*)

The concept of The Suffering Church is not a new one. Usually it is related to the persecution of Christians around the world. Even though “suffering” is such a broad and even abstract term, many are now referring to the Suffering Church in a new way. God’s people have been under other types of oppression, related to war, natural disasters, political instability, and not merely persecution. As I will discuss further, we must be aware of the challenges that our brothers and sisters face and keep them constantly in our prayers.


“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)

“As it is, there are many parts,[e] yet one body.” (1 Corinthians 12:20)

Most of us do not grasp the depth of what it truly means to be one universal church of Christ. The Apostle’s Creed proclaims: “I believe in… the holy catholic (or universal) church.” This concept is inclusive of all true Christians, in any place and at any time. This means that our faith is so powerfully connected that it literally transcends space and time. We recite these phrases, we sing songs which mention it, but this concept is almost impossible to conceive of with the human mind.

Can you imagine if your pastor was arrested for preaching the Gospel? Or if his family was threatened or physically harmed due to his beliefs or religious teachings? Can you imagine if your church, maybe the church where you grew up, was burnt down by radicals? Rage, sadness and fear are some of the feelings that come to my mind.

Well, if the church is one, then I should feel the same for the Pakistani pastor who had to hide his family in a cave, then leave the country after being accused of blasphemy against Islam. I should be able to feel his anguish, having to wait an excruciating two years before he was able to rescue his family and embrace his children.

I should feel the same agony and heartbreak for the churches burnt to ashes in Orissa, India, or in the distant Maluku Islands of Indonesia.

If we are one church family, I should feel as desperate as I would be if this was against my own family, as if it was me, myself facing these torments.

If we are one body, we should feel the torment, grief, distress, suffering and tribulation of all of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

As we begin to grapple with the theological truth regarding the universality of God’s church, we are forced to consider the everyday, practical implications. The only conclusion is to engage our hearts and minds and bodies on behalf of those suffering souls. There is simply no other conclusion a Christian brother or sister can arrive at- it is no longer possible to ignore the misery which surrounds us. God is calling us to act on behalf of our church family around the world.



I have spent time with quite a few persecuted brothers, especially in China and in the Middle East. As a missionary, I always went with the intention to help. I was able to offer training, initiating development projects along with many other kinds of services. However, as I heard from countless others who served in similar areas, I definitely received more than anything I was offering.

The suffering church teaches us resilience and perseverance. It is not easy for them, and they do not pretend like it is. But they look at Christ and wholeheartedly trust that God has a plan that involves their suffering. Paul says:

“For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.”       (1 Corinthians 1:26-29)


God did use those poor and needy Christians, survivors carrying the affliction of injustice, who were persecuted for their faith. God used the most reviled, and despised in their societies, to bring me to my knees, to teach and educate me. This was true discipleship.

Pastors who must exist secretly in these anti-Christian regimes are forced to protect and encourage their flocks under the toughest storms and they usually do not have the benefit of, or access to, what we would consider proper education or theological training.

I spent time with a former Muslim pastor from Sudan, who became a close, personal friend. Although this man did not have 10% of my theological knowledge, I did not possess even 10% of the quality of his walk with the Lord.


“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.”  (Colossians 4:2-4)

Richard Wumbrand, the founder of the Voice of the Martyrs, spent many years in prison, as did Paul the Apostle. He suffered a multitude of atrocities, as described in his book Tortured for Christ. In the midst of his torture and hardships, he was able to discern precious opportunities to share his faith. As he describes in his memoir:

 We were happy preaching. They were happy beating us, so everyone was happy

This is exactly what happened in the book of Acts. As the church was persecuted in Jerusalem, it encouraged and inspired preachers and church planters in diverse, new places in the region. Throughout their suffering, opportunities would arise to minister to others.

“And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles.

Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word.” (Acts 8:1, 4)

It is undeniable that persecution not only drives the church into action, but also generates genuine opportunities to reach out and witness to non-believers. Many have been drawn to the Lord because of how the suffering church handles this oppression and yet manages to overcome.

Over the last three years, the church in Iran has experienced an estimated annual growth of 19.6 percent. Local church leaders report that many young people have been seeking Jesus, most of them disappointed with the violent behaviors which characterize the Islamic faith in the area.

In Europe, the refugee crisis is boiling over, bringing serious political tensions and cultural divisions to a head. Radical Islamization is a real and pervasive problem emerging on an epic, global scale. However, there is also an emerging counter-current of a resurgence for Christianity and the values it embodies. Christians who have been persecuted in their original countries are also flooding the European nations, revitalizing the passion for Jesus and Christian church-planting. Currently, these brothers now preach the Gospel in a way they were not permitted to in their own native countries. Arab Christians have also been particularly instrumental in sharing the Gospel in Brazil and other developing nations where Islam is gaining momentum.

As stated before, we should not feel disheartened when we hear how our Christian brothers and sisters suffer because of their faith. We should also not feel ashamed or embarrassed about the relative freedom of religion that God has granted us in the west.

What is imperative to consider, however, is how we can use our position to better serve others that share our deep sense of faith. As Christians, we have a moral imperative to use our resources and blessings to bless those who do not have the ability to share in our freedoms. We must identify how to effectively assist our Christian brethren and how to mobilize the church on a global scale, “especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Gal. 6:10).

(*) Mario Freitas is a missiologist and served as a missionary in China. He is the founder of MORE INTERNATIONAL, an organization that serves the suffering church with community development initiatives.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Moringa Oleifera: The Tree of Life By Jean Marie NIZIGIYIMANA, Burúndi, Africa

Moringa Oleifera: The Tree of Life 
By Jean Marie NIZIGIYIMANA, Burúndi, Africa 

Upon realization that the plant, Moringa Oleifera, could fight hunger in Burundi, I thought about working with it through the BFI Environment department that I lead so as to multiply it and be able to plant it in different provinces of Burundi in order for it to be used as food for many, but also a source of income, considering we will have to transform leaves into powder and use them against malnutrition and some diseases as well as utilize the seeds to create oil for many to use.

I have got 15kg of seeds, and 9 provinces are planting on many lands which comprises about 100ha total. It is all the lands from different provinces together!

So I would like to share about the Moringa tree, which is also called "miracle tree"
Moringa is a plant that is native to the sub-Himalayan areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan; it is also grown in the tropics. The leaves, bark, flowers, fruit, seeds, and root are used to make medicine.
Moringa is used for “tired blood” (anemia); arthritis and other joint pains (rheumatism); asthma; cancer; constipation; diabetes; diarrhea; epilepsy; stomach pain; stomach and intestinal ulcers; intestinal spasms; headaches; heart problems; high blood pressure; kidney stones; fluid retention; thyroid disorders; and bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infections.
Moringa is also used to reduce swelling, it increases sex drive (as an aphrodisiac), prevents pregnancy, boosts the immune system, and increases breast milk production. Some people use it as a nutritional supplement or tonic.
Moringa is sometimes applied directly to the skin as a germ-killer or drying agent (astringent), and it is also used topically for treating pockets of infection (abscesses), athlete’s foot, dandruff, gum disease (gingivitis), snakebites, warts, and wounds.
Oil from moringa seeds is used in foods, perfume, and hair care products, as well as machine lubricant.
Moringa is an important food source in some parts of the world because it can be grown cheaply and easily. The leaves retain lots of vitamins and minerals when dried, and Moringa is used in India and Africa in feeding programs to fight malnutrition. The immature green pods (drumsticks) are prepared similarly to green beans, while the seeds are removed from more mature pods and cooked like peas or roasted like nuts. The leaves are cooked and used like spinach, and they are also dried and powdered for use as a condiment.
The seed cake remaining after oil extraction is used as a fertilizer and also to purify well water and remove salt from seawater.
I am sure that this is going to be a solution for hunger, malnutrition and, ultimately, poverty.

HOW CAN WE ALL COME TOGETHER AS ONE IN BURUNDI AND IN AFRICA By Ephraim Manirakiza, Josimar Salum & Paul Taylor



 By: Ephraim Manirakiza, Josimar Salum & Paul Taylor


If you are hurt, embittered and harbor hate inside of you, let the Love of Jesus heal your heart, your soul and your spirit. Do not rush to get involved in what we call "ministry" because this "ministry" only serves to keep people from getting healthy.  


There are so many of us who hide behind our "ministries" instead of embracing the Light of God to show us who we really are, so we must confess our sins, truly repent, be born again in fact, enter the Kingdom of God and let the Kingdom of God ENTER US in order to transform us into the image of Christ Jesus.


Is your heart bitter, hurting, and frustrated? Are you harboring any un-forgiveness in your soul?


You must not "minister" to the church, preach or simply strive to not continue your “Christian" life the way you are! Be still! 


Let the Lord love you, give you a shower of love through the people who love you; let the liquid fire river of Jesus' love pass through you until nothing but only love flows from your inmost being.


In fact, in Christ Jesus there are not "many ministries", only ONE; THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION. 


"Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again, but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us, so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart. If we are out of our mind, as some say, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. For Christ, love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has passed away, behold, the new has come! 


All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting peoples sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 


“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 


The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.


For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation—” Colossians


We dare to try to give a fair picture of Burundi as we humbly attempt to find solutions for its problems.


We should not ignore the contextual realities of Burundi if we are to find a durable remedy for the problems of Burundians. If we want to have good fruits, we should cure the tree from its roots. Treat the disease; not the symptoms.


Burundi has experienced many problems, ranging from horrific killings to poverty due to ignorance based on ethnic ideologies. 


It is amazing that Burundi claims to have more than 80 of Christians, and yet many of them kill one another because of stupid differences. It is absolutely evil and inconceivable that Christians participate in these heinous crimes. How can we expect positive change when some church or political leaders who call themselves Christians are corrupt and harbor selfish desires? 


Let us be clear on this; it is beyond our understanding to hear or see Christians involved in the crimes against humanity that are commonly committed by "pagans". Countless people have been oppressed, marginalized and killed by both "pagans" and so called "Christians". 


Though these words may seem harsh we are writing them in LOVE.


Past Burundian colonialists and leaders have been using ethnic divisions for power and not for the well-being of citizens . 


There are tragic dates of ethnic massacre that remain and will be forever etched in the minds of Burundians: 1965, 1972, 1988, 1993-2005. Since 2015 until now, the unrest is not apparently based on an ethnic aspect, but ethnic influence is still evident in many Burundians' actions. Hutus are the majority, about 80 of the population, Tutsis are about 14, and Twas make up the remaining 1


On a historical note, Burundi was led by Tutsi kings and presidents before and after its independence in 1962 until 1993. Hutu presidents were in government from 1993 to 1996, Tutsi presidents resumed the rule (It was one Tutsi president this time) since 1996 to 2003 and finally, Hutu presidents came again to power in 2003 up until now.


During the rule of Tutsis, some Hutus were unhappy, and vice versa. This has resulted in the creation of rebel groups to this very day. 


Though children and women are not given a good place in the community, and mentioning the fact that Twas are marginalized by Tutsis and Hutus, the government of today is involving Hutus, Tutsis, Twas and women in its leadership. It is also pleading for children. Private associations should take this good governmental example and include all people in their services. We should not see each other by groups, but as one people, as one Body, as individuals who are members of one another. 


In retrospect, Burundi was not even supposed to have an ethnic problem when you consider that all Hutus, Tutsis and Twas live together, use one language (Kirundi), have one culture, etc. 


So why are we saying this? It is because when we do something in Burundi, the first thing that pops into the observer’s mind is ethnic concern; who is the leader, a Hutu or a Tutsi? How many Hutus or Tutsis are in the board? Twas are not considered much because they usually don’t get chance to gain an education like Tutsis and Hutus. If we want to do anything for the goodness of Burundi and other neighboring countries, we must level ourselves as equals and be open to lovely work with everyone, with one another, for everyone!


Burundi needs a total healing in “oneness”. If we want our vision of a new Burundi to succeed, we must consider ethnic, gender-based, educational, regional, political, religious, and age group aspects. We may not do it at a hundred per cent, but we can still try our best. 


What if all board members of ONE are only Hutus or Tutsis, men or women, adults or youth, people of the same region or religion and exclude Twas and immigrants in the country? We need to go beyond our own “perspective bubbles” and be generous to one another, facilitate our own relationships and make a conscious decision to make all efforts at becoming bridges of reconciliation and peace, to see others as God sees us, one people; an undivided kingdom. We need board members, seen only as people of God, who can work beyond ethnic, political, religious, regional, gender-based and generational boundaries. 


True Christians are supposed to be good models in behaving decently. If we are true disciples of Christ, we should be open to work with anyone from inside and outside of churches. Remember, we are kings and priests of the King! This is not about the church. This is about the Kingdom. And for the kingdom, it is required that all citizens maintain a Kingdom-based mindset instead of a church-based mindset. Like Jesus, we are inviting all people to sit at His table!


Our prayer is that God may guide each of us to choose or select people to work with and assign them different roles. Why? Because the only cause we have is to bring success to this vision of a new or transformed Burundi. 


This is why ONE must be fully understood; in order to really impact Burundi and all of Africa Great Lake’s countries, nations, tribes and languages. 


Many people only want their own dreams be fulfilled, but not us. ONE will only happen when we pursue the Golden Rule and care about others as we care for ourselves and even above ourselves. We will strive to treat others the way each of us wish to be treated.


We perceive that the lack of TRUST among Burundians is disappearing because God is raising forgiving people from all groups who are trustworthy and build relationships with one another.


So, we propose this principle of IMITATION. Paul says to the Corinthians: ''Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ, or Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.'' 1 Cor.11:1


We need people whose words and deeds are worthy of being imitated and followed. People who serve others fairly, humbly and in love. We speak of people embodied with Servant Leadership principles. We foresee people whose projects are for the good of all citizens, including foreigners who live within the country. People who make the difference simply by being who they are. People whose words and deeds are uncontradictory. 


Burundi needs to be re-evangelized. Actually, Burundi needs to be evangelized with the Gospel of the Kingdom. Fellow citizens will follow the good example of true Christians. 


We appeal to all, insiders and outsiders, all friends, to encourage all people who are working for a change or transformation in Burundi for God's glory. While Burundi is being transformed, other African Nations will follow. Why? We know that God is at work with all the nations in Africa. 


This should be done in a concert (covenant) team work. One individual can fail to bring this positive change in Burundi, but more than one, AS ONE, may succeed. 


We have heard already the sound of a heavenly trumpet and loud voices coming from heaven! Heaven is descending! It is inside of you and me. The King is here! His Kingdom is established!


“The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and we all are reigning with Him.”


Thank you for your daily efforts at bringing us closer to our goal, which is a NEW BURUNDI. A NEW AFRICA. A NEW WORLD. God is on the making of a NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH. God bless you deeply.
