I would like to start a short training on "Five Strategies of Exceptional Leaders."
Remember one of the purposes of REAL is to develop our leadership skills.
As John Maxwell has said, "Everything rises and falls with leadership." WE ARE ALL LEADERS! The question is "What kind of leader are you?"
"My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group. There is much less competion."
There was a survey asked to many businessmen about leadership qualities and characteristics. They were asked to order what they felt were the most important leadership qualities. Here is the list from 1 to 10.
1. Honesty 83%
2. Competent 67%
3. Forward looking or having vision 62%
4. Inspiring 58%
5. Intelligent 43%
6. Fair Minded 40%
7. Broad Minded (open to new things) 37%
8. Straightforward 34%
9. Imaginative 34%
10. Dependable 33%
Isn’t it interesting that the number one quality of a businessperson is honesty! We hear all the time about dishonest business people. Many believe that you have to be dishonest to succeed in business. Do you? Is that really the kind of person you want to be? High School students in the United States were asked if they believed they needed to lie, cheat and steal to be successful. Over half of them responded yes! This is why people do not trust people today, especially in business. The successful businesses are built on honesty, integrity and character!
Here are some quotes on leadership.
“The true measurement of leadership is influence; nothing more, nothing less.” John Maxwell
“Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without strategy.” General Norman Schwarzkopf: United States General
“Leadership is letting go in the doing, but not letting go in the guiding.” Dave Thomas; Chairman and Founder of Wendy’s
“Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible.” Colin Powell
“Leadership is the ability to take people beyond their natural skills to the fulfillment of dreams.” Rich Marshall
“There go my people and I must catch them for I am their leader.” Gandhi
“Leadership is the ability to inspire confidence, determine direction and to serve with character and integrity.” ROI Leadership focus group
It is now your turn. I want you to take a few minutes and write your own definition of leadership.
Leadership is ……
Please send your definitions to Dr. Josimar and to Dr. Taylor!
Acceptable vs. Exceptional Leadership
One of the biggest problems that we face in the business world is complacency. People become satisfied very easily with the status quo, mediocrity!
The question is “Will you be satisfied with acceptable leadership or will you push to excel?”
We should never be satisfied with mediocrity.
I once preached a message entitled “God hates vanilla!” Vanilla ice cream is acceptable, but God wants exceptional leaders.
Here are the differences between:
Acceptable Leaders Exceptional Leaders
1. Have convictions Live convictions
2. Career focused Calling focused
(it’s all about me) (it’s all about the cause)
3. Understand Vision Understand the purpose
and Mission behind vision nd mission
4. Is motivated Is motivated
by activity/results by shared vision
5. Motivates others minds Motivates others hearts
6. Operates within the rules Operates with passion towards vision and
and regulations mission
7. Core beliefs are situational Core beliefs are integrated in life and work
I hope that you can see the difference between the two kinds of leaders.
One is being a certain kind of person because of his job.
The other is that person and
they excel at their job because of it.
There are 5 levels of leadership to become an Exceptional Leader.
Exceptional Leader
Level 5
Effective Leader
Level 4
Competent Leader
Level 3
Contributing Team Member
Level 2
Highly Capable Individual
Level 1
Level 5: Exceptional Leader
They are ambitious first and foremost for the cause, the movement, the mission, the
work---not themselves---and have the will to do whatever it takes to make good on
that ambition.
Level 4: Effective Leader
Catalyzes commitment to and vigorous pursuit of a clear and compelling vision,
stimulating higher performance standards.
Level 3: Competent Manager
Organizes people and resource toward the effective and efficient pursuit of
predetermined objectives.
Level 2: Contributing Team Member
Contributes individual capabilities to the achievement of group objectives, and
works effectively with others in a group setting.
Level 1: Highly Capable Individual
Makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills and good work habits.
Which level would you be on at this time in your life?
We all need to grow in the
area of leadership.
Are you growing? Are you stuck?
From the above chart, are you acceptable or exceptional?
REAL is about exceptional leaders who are visionary
leaders understanding the purpose and the cause!
We will continue this training after you have responded to my questions.
This material is a part of ROI Leadership, Inc. 2006 Developing people, building business
I have had the pleasure of working with this group in the past and use the material to train leaders.
Keep believing for the impossible,
Dr. Taylor