Tuesday, December 1, 2020



Jolis Bigirimana

We were left to fight alone. Then God intervened. Today we've overcome, they're not understanding how we made it without their help. They thought we'd fail, and never cared if we could. Please come to our table, let's celebrate. Don't be filled with shame, we understand. It happens.

(If you've just read this, never miss an opportunity to help someone you know succeed in life, when God causes strangers to do and they succeed greatly, you will live your entire life blaming yourself and wishing you helped them). 

And as I always say, always remember that the greatest investment you will ever make in this passing world, is one you do in people. While you're alive, help as many people as you can. It's a lifetime rewarding and so fulfilling investment: to hear generations thanking your name for helping their father or grandfather, for seeing someone you helped mentioning your name on bigger platform that without you they wouldn't have been there. Always remember that.

And now you who have been abandoned and not cared for by the people that you so much expected from, loose out from anger. As a matter of fact, admit it that they owed you nothing in the first place. It was their money, their resources, their labor and sweat. So don't eye them badly for not helping you. If God provided through His means, and you have made it, be thankful, call them to your table, help lifting other people and even the children of those that let you down. Because you know how it means not to be helped. 

My reminder is "lift generations and be reminded to always thank and celebrate the vessels God used to lift you up. Those ones deserve your respect, honor and celebration."

Let me finish by this: personally I have a list of families and friends that stood right next to me in time of my need. They are people who believed in the person I will be. They did not see who I was or am. They believed in the "Becoming Picture" 

If you are reading this, I want you to know that I am so grateful and I will return with honors someday. 

To everyone: Never be cheated of self made people. No matter who you are, someone helped you get there, RETURN the Honors. Maybe not to them, but to others in your neighborhood who lacks help. May God certify you as a right Vessel to bless others.


Saturday, November 28, 2020




Note: The term “Christians” used in this article refers to those who are true followers of Jesus. “Christians” are the ones who are born again, who have personal relationship with Jesus, who has received Jesus as their Lord and King and as result they have become sons of God.

Many Christians think that God considers some workers more valuable than others—and at the top of the rung are missionaries, pastors and other people with “spiritual” vocations. 

If we’re honest, most of us probably buy into this thinking to some degree and believe there is a divide between the sacred and secular. After all, social workers and grant writers are more important to society than waste collectors and cashiers, right?

But that’s not true. During the Protestant Reformation, a doctrine was developed that has significantly altered the way many Christians understand themselves and their relation to God and others: the priesthood of all believers.

In sum, it teaches that all believers—no matter their personal history, ethnicity, occupation, you name it—are priests before God.

Prior to the Reformation, the western church taught that only clergy (ordained priests) had a sacred calling from God. But according to the apostle Peter, all Christians are priests: 

“You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession” (1 Peter 2:9). 

Peter hearkens back to Exodus 19:6, where God tells Israel, “you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”

Although the people of Israel failed in their priestly calling, Christ has restored to believers our true identity as royal priests. 

In him, we stand on equal footing with one another, and each of us has a vital role in carrying out God’s work.

There is one body, consisting of various parts, and one head, Christ. Each member, though distinct from the others, performs a different function and is equally vital for the health of the body.


Christians are equally important, serving one Lord, yet they fulfill different roles for the sake of the church and the good of society. 

What makes work sacred is not the type of work that we do but the work of Christ in us. Those who have been baptized into Christ all have equal standing and have been called by him to do work that not only bears dignifying significance, but also gives glory to God. 

No matter what line of work you’re in, you have a special calling from God to work for his glory and for the benefit of others.

Do you see your work as part of God’s calling on your life to be his priest, representing him in the work that you do?


Such a powerful truth if only the body of Christ could understand this truth, the world would be such a better place. People would be free from guilt of not serving God if they are not a pastor, teacher, etc. 

Jesus, give the people ears to hear this truth!  Amen

Dr. Paul Taylor

#JSalum #ASONE

Saturday, November 7, 2020

ONE Team visits our Literacy Groups. By Jeremie Manirakiza

ONE Team visits our Literacy Groups. By Jeremie Manirakiza 

We have visited our Literacy classes this weekend. (11/7/2020) Jean Marie, Gerard Ninziza and I are so blessed to see the fruit of our leaders and members of ONE. Thank you for all your support and trust. Thank you, Drs. Paul Taylor and Josimar Salum. The message of the Kingdom works powerfully in the marketplace. 

In Buhiga we have 2 groups of Loan, Savings and Investments. We found that they are really improving in the matters of knowing how to read and write. We have given them student books and materials to start two more groups.

In Rudaraza we have 4 groups of 25 people. We have also given them books and materials. They needed a box where to put the money that they are saving and small books for members. 

So in total, we have already started 8 groups in the province of Karusi. We have other 2 groups in Gihogazi commune. In Bubanza we have 4 groups. We will visit them ASAP. 

This is a transformational journey based in the Kingdom message and simple practice. This is really powerful. To God be all the Glory!


Disciples of Jesus

Tonight in Miracena, 

Rio de Janeiro State

Nameless, just the Name of Jesus!

Faceless, only the Face of Jesus!

Disciples Now!  One Church only!

A True Jesus Revolution! 




COW DOESN'T GIVE MILK. By Mario Sergio Cortella


Mario Sergio Cortella

My father used to say to us, when we were children:

- When you turn 7 years old I will tell you the secret of life.

When I was 7 years old, I woke up, run to my father, anxious to know the secret of life.

My father said, "I will tell you, but you will not be able to reveal it to your brothers."

Here's the secret:

- Cow doesn't give milk.

-What? I didn't understand, dad!

- Cow doesn't give milk.

You have to take it out. Yoj have to milk the cow. You need to wake up 4 am, go to the pasture, enter the corral full of feces, tie the cow's tail and legs, sit on the stool and make the right move! That is the secret of life. Cow, buffalo, goat, do not give milk! You either take it or you won't have any milk.

There is a generation that thinks that a cow gives milk, that things are automatic. I want, I ask, I get. There is nothing for free. Don't depend on people. Don't expect anything from anyone! Don't wait for the government to solve your problems.

Happiness results from effort. The absence of effort generates frustrations. Want to value things? Work and buy something with your own sweat. Then you will be aware of how much your parents struggle to give you the best  and you do not value it.

Edited by Josimar Salum


Monday, September 14, 2020



Dr. Shayne Tracy

President, IBCI

ibciinstitute | Aug 6, 2020 

Great leadership is more an art than a science. Leadership is a collective of interpersonal and operational skills that can be learned, practiced and taught.

However, the 3 “ps” - Purpose, Perseverance and Practice are needed to perfect an effective style for an individual leader.

Check out the 5 habits that will empower a leader:

Point of vision vs point of view:

This regards day-to-day operational activity… the details of the day become your daily point of vision, unless you have time to step back and have a point of view: The bigger picture. 

This is literally giving your calendar time to do “horizontal thinking” - creative, innovative and exploratory work to predict the future direction of your organization. You can dedicate that time to a business coach who will stimulate your thinking and inspiration. 

Communicate the “Point of View” to give meaning, context and motivation to others.

Identify and amplify important priorities that create value. Make a list of the main priorities that need to be achieved and focus, focus, focus. Communicate priorities in a consistent, vocal and visual way to focus on professional activity. A great question to ask yourself and others is: “What choice can I make and what steps can I take at this time to achieve my priorities?

Demonstrate decision making with courage, confidence, conviction and commitment.

Make a decision, take it once and move on after you have done your research, consulted the others involved and have established a plan of action. Self-confidence and security motivate others to produce results. Remember that not taking a decision is a decision! Be prepared to admit that you are wrong if the decision you make is inappropriate for the circumstances.

Develop your strengths: Build your strengths, recognize your responsibilities.

Most people have a good understanding of their strengths. You cannot be everything to everyone. Participate in projects and activities in which you can demonstrate your strengths. Focus on what you know and do your best. Be an ever changing learner to increase your knowledge base and work on developing your skills repertoire. Be a role model for others.

Recognize: Recognize and use the strengths of others. Strong leaders are able to recognize the skills and knowledge of others. Consult, collaborate and coordinate the strengths of others to generate commitment and obtain a better result. Train others and allow yourself to be trained by people with skills, knowledge and wisdom. Above all, take the time to genuinely get to know others, what drives them and what motivates them to achieve. Acknowledge and express appreciation for your accomplishments.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Leadership by TJ Salum

“Leadership is the oldest subject. Hitler had many followers, yet he was a disaster as a human. What I’ve learned is that a good leader is not someone that leads by fears or by oppression yet someone that leads by grace which I believe is how Jesus lead. I see this everytime in my life. So instead of being stubborn, most of the great leaders have lead by example and grace. There are great leaders that are executives, but they lack in influence because they can’t associate with others. Jack Welch says if you want to influence at heart you have to influence by connecting with people and not by dominating people.” - TJSalum #ASONE

→ The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
→ Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say "you're wrong"
→ If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
→ Begin in a friendly way
→ Get the other person saying "yes, yes" immediately.
→ Let the other person do a great deal of the talking. 
→ Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers
→ Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view. 
→ Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
→ Appeal to the nobler motives. 
→ Dramatize your ideas.
→ Throw down a challenge.

          From How to Win Friends and Influence People 
          By Dale Carnegie 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

How a unified prayer movement can change Burundi? Dr. Paul Taylor

How a unified prayer movement can change Burundi?
Dr. Paul Taylor

There is a movement going on in Burundi to bring all believers, all people together AS ONE to pray for the Nation. This is wonderful to hear.  Prayer can and will unify Burundi.

Always remember we are praying for God’s will to be done and not our own. We must keep our personal preferences out of our public prayers. We pray for those in authority, but do not push our preferences. “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy‬ ‭2:1-4‬. Ultimately God wants all people to be saved and to come to know the Truth.

Moreover, we do not represent a candidate.  We represent King Jesus and His Kingdom only.

When we pray our will, we get into what we call witchcraft prayer. Meaning we are trying to manipulate God and others to do what we want.  This is not good.

We know that God wants peace, and to prosper the people of Burundi. We know that God loves everyone, regardless of sex, race, religion or tribe.  So there is so much we can pray without specifically praying for a candidate or a party.  We, please, keep this in mind.

Many Christians think that only someone of their faith should be in office.  This is not true and can cause great division.  The greatest example is President Trump.  This man may or may not be a Christian but he represents Christian principles and is doing more for our nation than many who professed to be a Christian. He does not have a squeaky clean past, but he is leading the country in a way that God is blessing America.

So be sure to ask for what Jesus thinks and pray His will be done and not that of man.

Praying daily for Burundi. Plaase pray for America as we are preparing for our Presidential election.

Believing for the impossible!


Monday, January 27, 2020



All leaders that we work with and each of you in BURUNDI, please, should read this report at the REAL blog. 

It is of utmost importance to understand what God is doing in Africa and we need Him to do it as well in Burundi. 

Some of you did not understand when God opened doors for Dr Paul Taylor and I to be brought into the presence of some Burundian authorities.  They thought this was not good. In fact, we understand that fear has dominated these relations for a long time. But Romans 13:3 says: “For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.” 

We love Burundi, all its people and we love all its government members and their families. It is not about doing political partisanship, but being Light for them. God loves them all. 

God loves the President of your country. If you want to live in peace you should pray for them and not disturb the peace of Burundi streets. This is what the Bible says. If you don't agree you are disobeying God.  

We shall have peaceful elections and a peaceful government transition in Burundi this year. That is God's will. 

So please, read this report here as an example how we should build relationships with everyone. 

Thank you.

Josimar Salum 

With Minister of Interior of Niger and Commander of the National Guard

Xand and Giovana with the children at the opening of the hospital Play-ground
Meeting with the President of the National Sports Federation of the Blind in Niger on 2/27/2020

Xand and Giovana with the Doctors of Pediatrics together with the Hospital Board
Director General of the National Police of Niger - Meeting on 1/27/2020
Reception with Ambassador of Saudi Arabia

Thursday, January 23, 2020


Hi everyone,

First, I would like to share with you some good dictionaries that may help you a lot to learn English. They can be accessed on internet or you may download the apps.

I am attaching a PDF file with a tutorial to help you use them. (see below)

The first one is a monoligual dictionary that can be Macmillan online dictionary / the free dictionary or any other you prefer.



Second, use a Thesaurus dictionary to find synonyms or antonyms which may help you faster to understand a word. (check the tutorial)


Finally, after searching for a word, try to use it in an example that is relevant to you.

I used the word HUGE in the tutorial. In the Thesaurus dictionary, one of the synonyms (similar word) is ENORMOUS

Making an example for me: Brazil is a HUGE country (very, very big/ enormous).

This is my first tip. Tell me if the tutorial is easy to understand.

A great rest to everyone.


Denise Salum
English Teacher